Gonarcticus arcticus (Becker, 1907)

Figs 34 –37, 39– 43.

arctica Becker, 1907: 412 (Pselaphephila). Type-locality: East Greenland.

Material examined. Altay: Ridge Kurayskiy, 2500–2700 m (50.33 N 87.75 E), 3.VII. 2008, A. Barkalov (1 ♀, ZMUM); Chukotka: Vrangel I. (71.29 N 179.63 E), 13.VII. 2008, O. Chruleva (1 ♂, ZMUM).

Additional material examined. CANADA: Cambrige Bay, N.W.T., 1 and 22.VII. 1950, G.K. Sweatman (1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, ZMH; all determined by J.R. Vockeroth as G. arcticus).

Diagnostic description. Body-length 5–6 mm. Head. Frontal vitta blackish in upper half and yellow in lower half. Antenna black. Palpus darkened apically. Katepisternum with 2 strong black setae, anterior katepisternal seta absent. Legs yellow, but all coxae blackish, fore femur posterodorsally and tarsi darkened. Mid femur with a row of posteroventral setae. Hind tibia with posteroventral apical seta. Vein R 1 bare on apical third of dorsal surface. Abdomen black. Sternites 4 and 5 as in Figs 37, 36. Epandrium, cerci and surstyli as in Figs 34, 35. Ovipositor as in Figs 39–41.

Distribution. Russia (Fig. 43): Altay, Chukotka (first record for Russia and Palaearctic).—North America (Vockeroth, 1965: 832).