Trichoboscis pansarista Meyrick, 1929

(Figs. 3, 4, 9–13, 18 – 19)

Trichoboscis pansarista Meyrick, 1929: 526; Clarke, 1965: 255; Gozmány, 1978: 176; Park & Wu, 2009: 267. TL: Sikkim, India. Type in the Natural History Museum (BMNH), London.

Diagnosis. Adult (Figs. 3–4) with wingspan 13.0–15.0 mm. Trichoboscis pansarista is similar to T. crocosema in both superficial and genital characters, but it can be distinguished by the labial palpus having a flattened 3 rd segment (Figs. 3 a, specimen from Thailand; 4 a, specimen from China) and the phallus in the male genitalia bearing 4–5 strong, spine-like cornuti directed anteriorly and a series of numerous variably sized spines directed posteriorly, whereas there are more than 10 strong spines in T. crocosema.

Descriptions of male and female genitalia. Male genitalia based on the comparison of specimens from India (Fig. 9), Thailand (Fig. 10), Vietnam (Fig. 11), and China (Figs. 12–13): Uncus reduced; basal lobes concave on caudal margin. Gnathos well developed, with sharply acute apex. Tegumen moderately broad. Valva (Fig. 9 a) with well-developed costal bridge connected to base of tegumen, not distinctly angled at middle; costa slightly concave, ventral margin deeply concave medially, slightly expanded beyond middle; sacculus broad, terminated at 1 / 4 length of ventral margin. Juxta with more or less triangular caudal lobes, with acute, short anterior process medially. Vinculum U-shaped, weakly sclerotized along margin. Phallus (Figs. 9 b, 10 a– 13 a) stout, almost as long as valva; cornuti consisting of 4–5 strong spines directed anteriorly and a series of numerous variably-sized spines directed posteriorly.

Female genitalia (Figs. 18–19): Abdominal sternite VIII slightly emarginated at middle on caudal margin. Apophyses anteriores about 1 / 2 length of apophyses posteriores. Antrum indistinct. Ductus bursae slightly shorter than corpus bursae. Corpus bursae ovate, bearing numerous very short, cone-shaped spines with broad basal part on internal surface; signum small, ovate, denticulate, placed anteriorly; accessory bursae arising from anterior end of corpus bursae.

Material examined. CHINA: Guangxi: 1 ♂, Qinmucun, Yongfu, 160 m, 3.v. 2008, coll. Li Zhang and Hui Zhen; 1 ♀, Qingshan Forestry Farm, Pingxiang, 300 m, 23.vii. 2011, coll. Bingbing Hu; 1 ♂, Nonggang, Longzhou, 280 m, 26.vii. 2012, coll. Xiaofei Yang; 2 ♂, 2 ♀, Shaoping, Pingxiang, 280 m, 21 –28. 28.iii. 2013, coll. Xiaofei Yang; 7 ♂, 1 ♀, Shaoping Forestry Farm, Pingxiang, 280 m, 2–19.iv. 2013, coll. Xiaofei Yang; Yunnan: 5 ♂, 7 ♀, Nanlahe, Bubang, Mengla, 652 m, 11–14.vii. 2013, coll. Shurong Liu, Yuqi Wang and Kaijian Teng; 5 ♂, Guanping, Mengyang, 1200 m, 17–18.viii. 2005, coll. Yingdang Ren; 1 ♂, Tropical Botanical Garden, Menglun, 570 m, 15.viii. 2005, coll. Yingdang Ren; 2 ♂, 1 ♀, Kabaxiaozhai, Menglun, Mengla, 630 m, 5–8, viii. 2010, coll. Yinhui Sun and Lixia Li; 2 ♀, Mengyuan, Mengla, 640 m, 11–12.viii. 2010, coll. Yinhui Sun and Lixia Li; 3 ♀, Menglun, Mengla, 750 m, 24–25.x. 2010, coll. Bingbing Hu, Jing Zhang and Yanpeng Cai; 1 ♂, 3 ♀, Yayi, Puer, 21.x. 2010, coll. Bingbing Hu, Jing Zhang and Yanpeng Cai; 1 ♂, 2 ♀, Menglian, Puer, 950 m, 30.x. 2010, 1.xi. 2010, coll. Bingbing Hu, Jing Zhang and Yanpeng Cai; 1 ♀, Jingpozhai, Nabang, 231 m, 3.viii. 2013, coll. Shurong Liu, Yuqi Wang and Kaijian Teng; 1 ♀, Houshan, Zijiaosuo, Jingdong, 1140 m, 30.v. 2013, coll. Zhenguo Zhang; 2 ♀, Houshan, Zijiaosuo, Jingdong, 1140 m, 4– 2013, coll. Zhenguo Zhang; 1 ♀, Houshan, Zijiaosuo, Jingdong, 1140 m, 20.vii. 2013, coll. Zhenguo Zhang. INDIA: 2 ♂, Himachal Pradesh: Dist. Hamirpur, 780 m, 2008, coll. P.C. Pathania; 1 ♂, Himachal Pradesh: Dist. Mandi, Karsog, 1350 m, 2008, coll. P. C. Pathania. VIETNAM: 1 ♂, Cuc Phuong Nat. Park, 300 m, 2.v. 2005, coll. K.T. Park and S.R. Kim, gen. slide No. CIS- 5087 / Park; 1 ♂, same locality as above, – iv. 2005, coll. K.T. Park and S.R. Kim; 7 ♂, Bac Khan Prov., Ba Be National Park, 240 m, 26–28.vii. 2006, coll. Park, Chae, and Cuong; 3 ♂, same locality as above, 21– 2008, coll. J.B. Heppner. THAILAND: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Chanthaburi, Khao Soi Dao, 400 m, 24–25.viii. 1987, coll. Moriuti, Saito, Arita, and Yoshimoto; 1 ♂, same locality, 22 IX 1987, coll. Moriuti, Saito, Arita, Yoshiyasu.

Distribution. China (Guangxi, Yunnan), India (North), Vietnam (North), Thailand.

Variation. The apex of the valva is narrowly rounded, obliquely truncate or truncate; the sacculus is triangularly protruded or bluntly protruded dorsally; and the phallus has three to five large spines directed anteriorly in the male genitalia. The distribution of the numerous short conic spines on the inner wall of the corpus bursae seems different between the specimens from Guangxi and Yunnan in the female genitalia; however, the position of the signum is stable.