VERNUM species-group

Simulium aestivum Davies, Peterson & Wood

Dunbar (1962, chromosomal key, idiogram, low-magnification photo of polytene complement, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths): Canada Brockhouse (1984, 1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. ‘Labrador’): Canada

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, cytodendrogram, drawing of IL, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada

Hunter (1987 a, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, inversions mapped, note on revised inversion breakpoints, photos of IIIS and IIIL, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, USA Hunter (1987 b, note on revised inversion breakpoints, summary of fixed inversions relative to S. vernum group standard): North America

Simulium armoricanum Doby & David

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard but inversion breakpoints not given): [Britain (England)]

Adler & Seitz (2014, chromosomal phylogeny): [Europe]

Simulium australe (Rubtsov)

Kachvoryan (1990 b, comparison with S. chubarevae, description, photos of all arms and metaphase complement): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features): Armenia Kachvoryan, Petrova & Chubareva (2003, notes on general polytene features): [Armenia] Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements): Armenia

Simulium bavaricum Seitz & Adler

Seitz & Adler (2009, characterization; inversions mapped; original description of species; photos of IL, IIIS, IIIL, bases of IIS and IIL, and partial chromocenter; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Germany

Simulium beltukovae (Rubtsov)

Hunter (1987 a, 1987 b, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, inversions mapped, photos of IIS, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as Eusimulium carpathicum): Germany Adler, Malmqvist & Zhang (1999, notes on geographic variation; as S. carpathicum): Sweden Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description, photos of metaphase and polytene complements; as Cnetha cryophila): Russia

Adler & Seitz (2014, chromosomal phylogeny): [Europe]

Simulium berchtesgadense Seitz, Adler & Forster

Seitz, Adler & Forster (2015, characterization, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Germany

Simulium bicorne Dorogostaisky, Rubtsov & Vlasenko

Brockhouse (1984, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. bicorne and ‘Alaska # 23 ’): Canada, USA

Brockhouse (1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. bicorne): Canada, USA

Adler, Malmqvist & Zhang (1999, description, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Sweden Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, chromosomal characters in larval key, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada

Simulium burgeri Adler, Currie & Wood

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, original description of species, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada

Simulium carbunculum Adler, Currie & Wood

Dunbar (1962, chromosomal key, idiogram, low-magnification photo of polytene complement, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths, whole-arm interchange [actually a misinterpretation]; as E. pugetense ‘Cypress’): Canada

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense ‘Cypress Hills’): Canada

Hunter (1987 a, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense ‘Cypress Hills’): Canada

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, chromosomal characters in larval key, formal name for Dunbar’s 1962 S. pugetense ‘Cypress’, inversions mapped): North America

Simulium carthusiense Grenier & Dorier

Adler & Seitz (2014, characterization; chromosomal phylogeny; description of different B chromosomes; inversions mapped; photos of B chromosomes [2 types], IS and IL ends, IIIS, and IIIL; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Austria, Spain

Simulium chomthongense Takaoka, Srisuka & Choochote

Kuvangkadilok, Boonkemtong & Phayuhasena (1998, low-resolution photos of C-banded and orcein-stained polytene chromosomes [II and III reversed]; as S. caudisclerum): Thailand Kuvangkadilok, Phayuhasena & Boonkemtong (1999, description, photos of polytene chromosomes [lowmagnification, II and III reversed] and IIS [as IIIS], polytene chromosome relative lengths; as S. caudisclerum): Thailand

Simulium chubarevae (Kachvoryan & Terteryan)

Kachvoryan (1986, notes on B chromosomes): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1988 c, notes on B chromosomes): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1990 b, B chromosomes, comparison with S. australe, description, photos of all arms, B chromosomes, and metaphase complement): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Usova & Oganesyan (1993, comparison with S. djafarovi, photos of IL and IIIL): Armenia Kachvoryan & Galustyan (1998, notes on B chromosomes): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Petrova & Chubareva (2003, notes on general polytene features): Armenia Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements): Armenia

Simulium conicum Adler, Currie & Wood

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, chromosomal characters in larval key, inversions mapped, original description of species, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard): USA

Simulium costatum Friederichs

Knoz & Chubareva (1974, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements): Czech Republic

Chubareva & Petrova (1979, 2003, notes on general polytene features): Czech Republic Hunter (1987 a, 1987 b, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Britain (England), Denmark, Germany

Brockhouse, Bass, Feraday & Straus (1989, cytodendrogram, description and evolution of different B chromosomes, photo of B chromosomes): Britain (England), Denmark

Brockhouse, Bass & Straus (1989, B chromosomes, description and possible origin of chromocenter polymorphism, photos of B chromosomes and low-resolution polytene complements showing chromocenter polymorphisms): Britain (England)

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): [Britain (England)]

Brockhouse (1991, chromocenter polymorphism, description and evolution of different B chromosomes, photos of B chromosomes and low-magnification polytene complements): Britain (England), Denmark

Chubareva & Kachvoryan (2000, comparison with S. akopi, description, note on B chromosomes, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements): Czech Republic

Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths): Czech Republic

Simulium craigi Adler & Currie

Dunbar (1962, chromosomal key, idiogram, low-magnification photo of polytene complement, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths; as Eusimulium latipes): Canada

Brockhouse (1984, 1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, photos of IIIL, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as ‘Cypress Hills’, ‘Gothic’, and ‘Nipigon’): Canada, USA

Brockhouse in Adler & Currie (1986, characterization; formal name by Adler & Currie for Brockhouse’s 1985 ‘Cypress Hills’, ‘Gothic’, and ‘Nipigon’; partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada

Hunter (1987 a, characterization; cytodendrogram; drawings of partial IIIL; idiogram; inversions mapped; photos of IL, IIIS, and IIIL; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. ‘X’): Canada, USA

Brockhouse, Bass, Feraday & Straus (1989, notes on B chromosomes; as S. craigi and ‘ Type 4 ’): North America

Brockhouse (1991, note on difference from S. vernum group standard; as S. craigi, ‘Cypress Hills’, ‘Gothic’, and ‘Nipigon’): North America

Hunter (2002, characterization; drawings of partial IIIL; inversions mapped; new cytoforms recognized [‘ACF/BCF’, ‘AF’, and ‘CC’]; photos of IL, IIIL, and partial IIIS; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, USA

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, geographic variation, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada

Simulium crenobium (Knoz)

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): [Germany]

Brockhouse (1991, notes on comparison with S. juxtacrenobium): [Germany]

Ilmonen, Adler, Malmqvist & Cywinska (2009, B chromosomes, characterization, geographic variation, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Austria, Germany

Simulium croxtoni Nicholson & Mickel

Zimring (1953, idiogram, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths): Canada

Dunbar (1962, chromosomal key, idiogram, low-magnification photo of polytene complement, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths): Canada

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada

Hunter (1987 a, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada

Hunter (1987 b, summary of fixed inversions relative to S. vernum group standard): North America

Simulium cryophilum (Rubtsov) (complex)

Kunze (1952, description of pairing, drawings of polytene sections, photo of polytene complement; as Simulium ‘sp. 1 ’): Austria

Kunze (1953, low-magnification photos of polytene complements, notes on general polytene features; as Simulium ‘sp. 1 ’ and ‘sp. 2 ’): Austria

Petrukhina (1966, description; photos of metaphase and polytene [low magnification] complements, all arms, and polymorphisms; polytene chromosome relative lengths; as Eusimulium latipes latipes): Russia Chubareva & Petrukhina (1970, note on comparison with S. erythrocephalum, photos of nucleolar organizer region in chromosome I [not III] and IL and IIL ends; as Eusimulium latipes): [Russia]

Chubareva, Petrova & Petrukhina (1971, notes on general polytene features, photos of CI region and lowmagnification polytene complement; as Eusimulium cryophilum and E. latipes): Russia

Kachvoryan & Chubareva (1974, comparison with selected species in S. vernum group, description, photos of all chromosomes; as E. latipes): Armenia

Chubareva (1977 c, idiogram, polytene chromosome lengths; as Cnetha latipes): [Russia]

Chubareva (1979 a, notes on general polytene features; as Cnetha latipes): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (1979, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths; as Cnetha cryophilum and C. latipes): Russia

Kachvoryan (1979, comparison with selected species, photo of IS end; as Cnetha latipes): [Armenia]

Chubareva (1980 a, idiogram, notes on general polytene features; as Cnetha latipes): Russia

Burkiewicz (1985, photos of sex chromosomes [IIIL partial]): Poland

Hunter (1987 a, 1987 b, characterization; cytodendrogram; idiogram; inversions mapped; new cytoforms [‘A’ and ‘B’] and homosequential sibling species recognized [‘B 1 ’ (= S. urbanum) and ‘B 2 ’]; photos of IL end, IIS end, IIIS, and IIIL partial; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Denmark, Germany

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard but inversion breakpoints not given): [Britain (England)]

Adler, Malmqvist & Zhang (1999, notes on geographic variation; as S. cryophilum cytospecies ‘A’ and ‘B 2 ’): Sweden

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths; as Hellichiella latipes and Nevermannia cryophila): Russia

Kachvoryan, Petrova & Chubareva (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (2004, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths; as C. cryophila and C. verna): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description, photos of metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths; as C. verna): Russia

Adler & Seitz (2014, chromosomal phylogeny, photo of IL base): Spain

Simulium djafarovi (Rubtsov)

Kachvoryan (1988 a, B chromosomes; description; photos of all chromosomes, B chromosomes, and metaphase complement; polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1990 a, B chromosomes; description; multiple nucleoli; photos of B chromosomes and partial IL, IIS, IIL, and IIIL): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Usova & Oganesyan (1993, comparison with S. chubarevae, photos of IL and IIIL): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Galustyan (1998, notes on B chromosomes): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Adler (2000, note on undifferentiated sex chromosomes): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Petrova & Chubareva (2003, notes on general polytene features): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Simulium dunfellense Davies

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard but inversion breakpoints not given): [Britain (England)]

Brockhouse (1991, comparison with S. juxtacrenobium): [Britain (England)]

Simulium fionae Adler

Brockhouse (1984, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard, photos of IL and IIIL; as ‘A-type’): Canada

Brockhouse (1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard, photo of IIIL; as ‘Eastmain’): Canada

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, cytodendrogram, drawing of IIL, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IIL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. ‘sp.’): USA

Hunter (1987 a, characterization, cytodendrogram, drawing of IIL, idiogram, inversions mapped, photo of polytene complement, resolution [except IIL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. ‘sp. near furculatum - croxtoni ’): USA

Hunter (1987 b, summary of fixed inversions relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. ‘sp.’): North America

Adler (1990, notes on geographic variation, original description of species): USA

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, notes on geographic variation): Canada

Simulium fontinale Radzivilovskaya

Brockhouse (1984, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as Eusimulium ‘Yukon # 9 ’): Canada

Choate (1984, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, inversions mapped, photos of all arms, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. ‘X’): USA

Brockhouse (1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. ‘Yukon’): Canada

Brockhouse in Adler & Currie (1986, characterization, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. decolletum): Canada

Allison & Shields (1989, characterization, drawing of IIIL, selected inversions mapped; as E. decolletum): USA

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, geographic variation, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, USA

Chubareva & Petrova (2004, notes on B chromosomes and general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (2006, frequency of B chromosomes, low-resolution photos of B chromosomes [with interpretive drawings] and metaphase complement): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description, polytene chromosome lengths): Russia

Simulium fontium (Rubtsov)

Kachvoryan & Chubareva (1974, comparison with selected species in S. vernum group, description, photos of all arms): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1978, comparison with selected species in subgenera Montisimulium and Nevermannia [as Chelocnetha], description): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (1979, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1979, comparison with selected species; photos of ends of IS, IIL, IIIS, and IIIL): [Armenia]

Chubareva & Kachvoryan (2000, comparison with S. akopi): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Adler (2000, note on undifferentiated sex chromosomes): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Petrova & Chubareva (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths; as N. latipes): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description, photos of metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Kachvoryan in Adler & Werner (2010, notes on B chromosomes, possible synonymy with S. costatum): Armenia

Simulium garniense (Rubtsov)

Kachvoryan & Chubareva (1974, comparison with selected species in S. vernum group, description, photos of all arms): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1978, comparison with selected species in subgenera Montisimulium and Nevermannia [as Chelocnetha], description): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (1979, notes on general polytene features): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1979, comparison with selected species, photos of IS and IIL ends): [Armenia]

Chubareva & Kachvoryan (2000, comparison with S. akopi): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Adler (2000, note on undifferentiated sex chromosomes): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Petrova & Chubareva (2003, notes on general polytene features): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2007, photos of metaphase and polytene complements): [Armenia]

Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description, photos of metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Simulium gouldingi Stone

Dunbar (1962, chromosomal key, idiogram, low-magnification photo of polytene complement, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths): Canada

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization; cytodendrogram; drawings of IL, IIL, IIIL, and IIIS; idiogram; inversions mapped; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): USA

Hunter (1987 a, characterization; cytodendrogram; drawings of IL, IIL, IIIL, and IIIS; idiogram; inversions mapped; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): USA

Hunter (1987 b, summary of fixed inversions relative to S. vernum group standard): North America

Simulium gracile Datta

Dey & Fumafartsok (1984 a, metaphase chromosome lengths, notes on B chromosomes, photos of metaphase complement): India

Simulium henanense Wen, Wei & Chen

Wen, Wei & Chen (2007 b, idiogram, low-resolution photos of all arms, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths): China

Simulium impar Davies, Peterson & Wood

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization; cytodendrogram; drawings of IS, IL, and sex chromosomes; idiogram; inversions mapped; resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, USA

Hunter (1987 a, characterization; cytodendrogram; drawings of IS, IL, and sex chromosomes; idiogram; inversions mapped; photos of IIS and IIIS; resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, USA

Hunter (1987 b, summary of fixed inversions relative to S. vernum group standard): North America

Simulium itelmenica (Chubareva & Yankovsky)

Chubareva & Yankovksy (2006, inversions mapped; original description of species; photos of all arms, B chromosomes, and metaphase complement; putative resolution relative to S. cryophilum ([as Cnetha verna]): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths, putative resolution relative to S. cryophilum ([as Cnetha verna]; as Cnetha itelmenica and C. shutovae): Russia. NOTE: The majority of the polytene maps of C. itelmenica (fig. 125) and C. shutovae (fig. 134) in Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a) appear to be derived from the same chromosomal photos, although cut and arranged in slightly different configurations. Whether itelmenica is a synonym of shutovae requires additional study.

Chubareva & Petrova (2009 b, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths; as C. shutovae): Russia. NOTE: The same comments under Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a) above apply here.

Simulium juxtacrenobium Bass & Brockhouse

Brockhouse, Bass, Feraday & Straus (1989, cytodendrogram, description and evolution of different B chromosomes, photos of 3 different B chromosomes): Britain (England), Ireland

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization; description of different B chromosomes; original description of species; photos of B chromosomes, chromosome II, and low-resolution polytene complement with pseudochromocenter; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Britain (England), Ireland

Brockhouse (1991, characterization; description and evolution of different B chromosomes; photos of B chromosomes, IIS, and pseudochromocenter): Britain (England), Ireland

Ilmonen, Adler, Malmqvist & Cywinska (2009, B chromosomes; characterization; inversions mapped; photos of B chromosomes, IIL, and polytene complements; possible sibling species; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Finland, Sweden

Simulium loerchae Adler

Adler (1987, characterization, inversions mapped, original description of species, photos of IL and IIL, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): USA

Hunter (1987 a, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. ‘new species’): USA

Simulium merritti Adler, Currie & Wood

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, chromosomal characters in larval key, inversions mapped, original description of species, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard): USA

Simulium modicum Adler, Currie & Wood

Dunbar (1962, chromosomal key, idiogram, notes on general polytene features, photo of polytene complement, polytene chromosome relative lengths; as E. pugetense): Canada, USA

Choate (1984, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard, photos of all arms; as E. pugetense ‘IL-st’): USA

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, cytodendrogram, drawings of IL and IIIL, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense cytotype ‘A’ [X0 Y 0]): Canada, USA

Hunter (1987 a, characterization, cytodendrogram, drawings of IL and IIIL- 1, idiogram, inversions mapped, photos of CI and polytene complement, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense cytotype ‘A’ [X0 Y 0]): Canada, USA

Allison & Shields (1989, characterization; as E. pugetense cytotype ‘A’): USA

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, chromosomal characters in larval key, formal name for Hunter & Connolly’s 1986 S. pugetense cytotype ‘A’, notes on geographic variation): North America

Simulium moultoni Adler, Currie & Wood

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense cytotype ‘C’): Canada, USA

Hunter (1987 a, characterization, idiogram, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense cytotype ‘C’): Canada, USA

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, chromosomal characters in larval key, formal name for Hunter & Connolly’s 1986 S. pugetense cytotype ‘C’, inversions mapped, photo of polytene complement): Canada

Simulium naturale Davies

Brockhouse (1984, 1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as ‘Dorset IIS- 2 + 3 ’): Britain (England)

Brockhouse in Rothfels (1989, cytodendrogram; as ‘Dorset IIS- 2 + 3 ’): Britain (England)

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization of 2 cytoforms [‘Denmark’ and ‘IIS- 2 + 3 ’], resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Britain (England), Denmark

Brockhouse (1991, characterization of 2 cytoforms [‘Denmark’ and ‘IIS- 2 + 3 ’], inversions mapped, photo of sex chromosomes, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Britain (England)

Simulium planipuparium Rubtsov

Chubareva & Petrova (1979, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Tajikistan

Ismagulov & Chubareva (1993, description, photos of all arms, polytene chromosome lengths): Tajikistan

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Tajikistan

Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description, photos of metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths): Tajikistan

Simulium pugetense Dyar & Shannon

Choate (1984, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as Eusimulium pugetense ‘IL-st’): USA

Hunter in Currie & Adler (1986, characterization; as S. pugetense cytotypes ‘D’ and ‘E’): Canada

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense cytotypes ‘B’, ‘D’, and ‘E’): Canada

Hunter (1987 a, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense cytotypes ‘B’, ‘D’, and ‘E’): Canada

Hunter (1987 b, summary of fixed inversions relative to S. vernum group standard): North America

Allison & Shields (1989, characterization, geographic variation; as E. pugetense ‘B’): USA

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, chromosomal characters in larval key, probable sibling species, recognition of S. pugetense cytotypes ‘B’, ‘D’, and ‘E’ of Hunter & Connolly 1986 as S. pugetense s. str., selected inversions mapped): North America

Simulium purii Datta

Dey & Fumafartosok (1984 b, description, idiogram, lengths, and photos of metaphase complement): India

Simulium quebecense Twinn

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, cytodendrogram, drawing of IL, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, USA

Hunter (1987 a, characterization, drawing of IL, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, USA

Hunter (1987 b, summary of fixed inversions relative to S. vernum group standard): North America

Simulium rushanense Chubareva & Petrova [name presently unavailable]

Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description, photos of metaphase and polytene complements): Tajikistan

Simulium silvestre (Rubtsov)

Zimring (1953, idiogram, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths; as Eusimulium latipes): Canada

Landau in Dunbar (1962, chromosomal key, idiogram, low-magnification photo of polytene complement, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths; as E. latipes ‘St. Rose’): Canada

Brockhouse (1984, characterization; cytodendrogram; inversions mapped; photos of IIS, IIL, IIIS, and IIIL; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as ‘Caledon’): Canada, USA

Choate (1984, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, photos of all arms and B chromosomes; as E. vernum): USA

Brockhouse (1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, photos of IIS and IIIL, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as ‘Caledon’ and ‘Knebworth’ [part (Alaska only)]): Canada, USA

Brockhouse in Adler & Currie (1986, characterization, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. caledonense): Canada, USA

Allison & Shields (1989, characterization; as E. vernum ‘Knebworth’): USA

Brockhouse in Rothfels (1989, cytodendrogram; as ‘Alaska’): USA

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. vernum ‘Knebworth’ [part (Alaska only)]): USA

Adler, Malmqvist & Zhang (1999, characterization, homosequential species with S. vernum, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Sweden

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, homosequential species with S. vernum ‘Knebworth’, note on B chromosomes, possible sibling species, recognition of Brockhouse’s 1985 ‘Caledon’ and ‘Knebworth’ [part (Alaska only)] as S. silvestre, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, Sweden, USA

Simulium uchidai (Takahasi)

Okada (1971, description; photos of metaphase complement, low-magnification polytene complement and all chromosomes, and CII region and portions of IS, IL, IIS, IIL, and IIIS, and IIIL polymorphism; polytene chromosome relative lengths): Japan

Okada & Sato (1971, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths): Japan

Simulium urbanum Davies

Hunter (1987 a, 1987 b, characterization, cytodendrogram, homosequential sibling species with S. cryophilum ‘B 2 ’, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as Eusimulium cryophilum ‘B 1 ’): Germany

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): [Britain (England)]

Brockhouse (1991, characterization, inversions mapped, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard, photo of pseudochromocenter): Britain (England)

Adler, Malmqvist & Zhang (1999, chromosomal recognition of Hunter’s 1987 b S. cryophilum ‘B 1 ’ as S. urbanum, notes on geographic variation): Sweden

Adler & Seitz (2014, chromosomal phylogeny): [Europe]

Simulium vernum Macquart (complex)

NOTE: References to ‘ latipes ’ and ‘ verna ’ in the former Soviet literature refer to S. cryophilum complex.

Brockhouse (1984, 1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, ‘Knebworth’ cytoform established as S. vernum group standard, new cytoforms recognized [‘Dorset IIS- 1 ’, ‘Knebworth’, ‘Lymington’, ‘N 89 ’, ‘N 99 ’, and ‘N 111 /N 96 ’], photos of all arms): Britain (England), Norway

Leonhardt (1985, 1987, comparison with S. aureum group standard; photos of bases of IS, IIS, and IIIL and middle of IL): [Britain (England)]

Hunter (1987 a, 1987 b, B chromosomes; characterization of cytoforms ‘Knebworth’ [X0 Y 0] and ‘Lymington’ [X0 Y 1]; cytodendrogram; idiogram; inversions mapped; photos of IIS, IIL partial, IIIS, and IIIL base): Germany, Italy

Brockhouse in Rothfels (1989, cytodendrogram; as ‘Knebworth’, ‘Dorset & Devon’, ‘Dorset IIS- 1 ’, and ‘Lymington’): Britain (England)

Brockhouse, Bass, Feraday & Straus (1989, cytodendrogram, description and evolution of B chromosomes, photo of B chromosomes; as S. vernum siblings ‘Knebworth’, ‘Dorset IIS- 1 ’, and ‘Lymington’): Britain (England)

Hunter (1989, comparison with S. furculatum, idiogram; as S. vernum ‘Knebworth’): [Britain (England)]

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization of 3 cytoforms [‘Dorset IIS- 1 ’, ‘Knebworth’ (part [Europe only]), and ‘Lymington’], new cytoform recognized [‘Hornvik’], resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Britain (England), Iceland

Brockhouse (1991, characterization of 3 cytoforms [‘Dorset IIS- 1 ’, ‘Knebworth’, and ‘Lymington’] and probable sibling species [‘Hornvik’], description and evolution of B chromosomes, inversions mapped, photos of all arms and B chromosomes): Britain (England), Iceland, Norway

Adler, Malmqvist & Zhang (1999, possible homosequential sibling species): Sweden

Ilmonen, Adler, Malmqvist & Cywinska (2009, comparison with S. crenobium and S. juxtacrenobium): Sweden

Simulium wyomingense Stone & DeFoliart

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, note on chromocenter, IIS and IIIS resolved relative to S. vernum group standard): North America

Simulium zakhariense (Rubtsov)

Chubareva (1974 a, frequency of B chromosomes, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and lowresolution polytene complements): Armenia

Chubareva & Kachvoryan (1974, B chromosomes, description, low-resolution photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements of diploid and autotriploid): Armenia

Chubareva, Grinchuk & Kachvoryan (1974, description of autotriploid, photos of metaphase and polytene complements of autotriploid): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Chubareva (1974, comparison with selected species in S. vernum group; description; photos of all arms, B chromosomes, and metaphase complement): Armenia

Chubareva (1977 c, idiogram, polytene chromosome lengths): [Armenia]

Kachvoryan (1978, comparison with selected species in subgenera Montisimulium and Nevermannia [as Chelocnetha], description, frequency of autotriploidy and B chromosomes): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (1979, 2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1979, comparison with selected species; photos of ends of IS, IIL, IIIS, and IIIL): [Armenia]

Chubareva (1984, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and low-magnification polytene complements): [Armenia]

Chubareva & Petrova (1984, notes on and photos of B chromosomes): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Chubareva, Petrova & Mirumyan (1996, photo of B chromosomes, relation of B chromosomes to environment and phenotype): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Oganesyan & Mirumyan (1996, relation of B chromosomes to phenotype): Armenia

Petrova & Chubareva (1997, note on B chromosomes): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Galustyan (1998, notes on B chromosomes): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Gasparyan (1998, notes on general polytene features): Armenia

Chubareva & Kachvoryan (2000, comparison with S. akopi): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2000 a, note on long-term ecological changes in B-chromosome frequencies): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Adler (2000, note on undifferentiated sex chromosomes): Armenia

Chubareva (2001 b, note on frequency of autotriploids): Armenia

Harutyunova, Harutyunova & Kachvoryan (2001, notes on B chromosomes): Armenia Kachvoryan, Petrova & Chubareva (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Simulium ‘sp. 1 ’ (Ismagulov)

Ismagulov (1993, notes on general polytene features [only abstract seen]; as Cnetha ‘ sp. n. 1 ’): Kazakhstan Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features; as Nevermannia ‘sp. 1 ’): Kazakhstan

Simulium ‘sp. 2 ’ (Ismagulov)

Ismagulov (1993, notes on general polytene features [only abstract seen]; as Cnetha ‘ sp. n. 2 ’): Kazakhstan Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features; as Nevermannia ‘sp. 2 ’): Kazakhstan

Simulium ‘sp. 3 ’ (Chubareva & Petrova)

Ismagulov & Chubareva (1993, low-resolution photo of polytene complement, notes on general polytene features; as Cnetha ‘sp.’): Tajikistan

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features; as Nevermannia ‘sp. 3 ’): Tajikistan

Simulium ‘sp. 4 ’ (Chubareva & Petrova)

Chubareva (1974 a, notes on B-chromosome frequency, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and lowmagnification polytene complements; as E. latipes group): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (2000 b, note on general polytene features; as Cnetha gr. latipes): Russia Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths; as Nevermannia ‘sp. 4 ’): Russia

Petrova & Chubareva (2006, low-magnification photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements, notes on general polytene features; as Cnetha ‘sp.’): Russia