MACROPYGA species-group

Prosimulium macropyga (Lundström)

NOTE: This species is a bisexual diploid, based on diploid chromosomes of larvae from the general area of the type locality (Finnish Lapland) (PHA unpublished) and a male as the type; therefore, chromosomal references to P. macropyga as a parthenogenetic triploid are treated under the P. ursinum complex, the most likely identity of these triploids)

Madahar (1967, notes on diploidy): Sweden

Prosimulium neomacropyga Peterson

NOTE: All Russian chromosomal references to P. ventosum are treated under P. neomacropyga on the basis of the chromosome map of putative P. ventosum given by Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a; fig. 28), which matches, in all details, the banding sequence of P. neomacropyga. Although other Russian references to P. ventosum do not include photos, we infer that they represent either the same material or material from locations near that to which the Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, fig. 28) pertains, given that all collections are from the same area of southern Kamchatka. We do not, however, have sufficient information to determine if P. neomacropyga is synonymous with P. ventosum or merely a misidentification.

Madahar (1967, characterization, hybrid parent species of P. ursinum, idiogram, inversions mapped, photos of all arms, resolution relative to Prosimulium standard; as P. ursinum ‘ 2 n’): USA

Madahar (1973, hybrid parent species of P. ursinum; as diploid P. ursinum): USA

Chubareva (1977 a, notes on general polytene features; as P. ventosum): Russia

Chubareva (1977 d, idiogram, notes on general polytene features; as P. ventosum): Russia

Chubareva (1978 b, idiogram, notes on relation to P. hirtipes group; as P. ventosum): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (1979, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths; as P. ventosum): Russia

Rothfels (1979, 1981b, cytodendrogram, hybrid parent species of P. ursinum): North America

Chubareva & Petrova (1999, polytene chromosome lengths): Russia

Chubareva (2000 b, comparison with P. ursinum [as P. macropygum], description, photos of metaphase and polytene complements; as P. macropygum ventosum): Russia

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, chromosomal characters in larval key, notes on Y-chromosome polymorphism): North America

Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description, photos of metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths; as P. ventosum): Russia

Prosimulium pamiricum Chubareva & Petrova

Chubareva & Petrova (1983, original description of species; notes on general polytene features; photos of metaphase and polytene complements; triploidy): Tajikistan

Chubareva (2001 b, parthenogenesis; photos of metaphase and low-magnification polytene complements; triploidy): Tajikistan

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features, triploidy): Tajikistan

Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description; photos of metaphase and polytene complements; triploidy): Tajikistan

Prosimulium pecticrassum Rubtsov

Chubareva (1977 a, notes on general polytene features, triploidy): Russia

Chubareva (1977 d, idiogram, notes on general polytene features, triploidy): Russia

Chubareva (1978 b, idiogram, notes on general polytene features, parthenogenesis, triploidy): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (1979, 2003, notes on general polytene features, triploidy): Russia

Chubareva (2001 b, parthenogenesis; photos of metaphase and low-magnification polytene complements; triploidy): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description; photos of metaphase and polytene complements; triploidy): Russia

Prosimulium ursinum Edwards (complex)

Rothfels (1956, drawing of IIIS; photo of partial chromosome II; triploidy; as P. ‘O’): [North America]

Carlsson (1962, parthenogenesis, triploidy): Sweden

Madahar (1967, characterization; hybrid origin; idiogram; inversions mapped; photos of all arms except IIIS; parthenogenesis; resolution relative to Prosimulium standard; triploidy; as P. ursinum ‘ 3 n’): Canada, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, USA

Chubareva (1968 b, parthenogenesis; photos of anaphase and metaphase complements and sections of polytenes; triploidy; as P. macropyga): Russia

Madahar (1973, hybrid origin, parthenogenesis, triploidy; as triploid P. ursinum): Canada, Iceland, Scandinavia, USA

Chubareva (1977 a, 1977 d, 1978 b, idiogram, notes on general polytene features, triploidy; as P. macropyga): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (1979, 2003, 2004, notes on general polytene features, triploidy; as P. macropyga): Russia

Rothfels (1979, 1981b, cytodendrogram, hybrid origin, triploidy): North America Chubareva (2000 b, comparison with P. neomacropyga [as P. macroypgum ventosum]; description; photos of anaphase and metaphase complements and low-resolution polytene complement; triploidy; as P. macropygum): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (2000 b, note on general polytene features; as P. macropygum): Russia Chubareva & Petrova (2008 a, description; photos of metaphase and polytene complements; triploidy; as P. macropyga): Russia

Prosimulium ventosum Rubtsov

NOTE: See entry under P. neomacropyga.

Prosimulium ‘sp.’ Chubareva

Chubareva (1977 a, notes on general polytene features, triploidy): Russia Chubareva (1977 d, 1978 b, idiogram, notes on general polytene features, triploidy): Russia Chubareva & Petrova (1979, 2003, notes on general polytene features): Russia