Acanthophis Daudin, 1803

Type species. Boa antartica (= Acanthophis antarcticus) Shaw & Nodder, 1802, by monotypy.

Diagnosis. Species assigned to the genus Acanthophis are moderately large, stout terrestrial elapid species most similar to vipers (Viperidae) from other continents. Species within the genus have distinctive wide and stout heads anterior to a defined narrowing forebody that rapidly broadens to the widest point towards midbody. Tail slender, distal portion laterally compressed terminating in a tail spine.

Etymology. From the Greek words acanthi meaning ‘spine’ and ophis meaning ‘snake’, in reference to the terminal tail spine present on species within the genus.

˦ 12 0 19 0 17 0 15 0 12 -˦ 12 -019 -017 -015 -012 0 12 0 15 0 17 0 19 ˦ 12



-015 A. rugοsus


-017 A. we̸̸si

A. pyrrhus

-019 A. cryptamydrοs

sp 1 nοv 1

-˦ 12