Tribe Mysini Haworth, 1825

Fig. 1

Diagnosis (see also ‘Discussion’). Mysinae with antennal scale setose all around, scale in most species with small apical segment; carpopropodus of the thoracic endopod 6 with 3–26 segments; well-developed oostegites on thoracopods 7, 8, and rudimentary oostegite on thoracopod 6; all pleopods of females and pleopods 1, 2 of males rudimentary; male pleopod 3 mostly biramous, but uniramous, vestigial in Kainommatomysis, if biramous then with 1- to 15-segmented endopod and 2- to 16-segmented exopod; male pleopod 4 biramous, its endopod 1- to 14- segmented, its exopod 3- to 29-segmented, terminally with modified seta(e); male pleopod 5 shorter, biramous or uniramous; statoliths (as far as known) composed of fluorite; telson variable, mostly with apical cleft, this cleft (if present) lined by spine-like laminae, telson of several genera with a pair of medio-apical plumose setae emerging from the cleft.

Type genus. Mysis Latreille, 1802.

Taxa included. Ten genera provisionally listed (see ‘Discussion’): Antarctomysis Coutière, 1906 (3 species), Arthromysis Colosi, 1924 (1), Hyperstilomysis Fukuoka, Bravo & Murano, 2005 (1), Kainommatomysis W. M. Tattersall, 1927 (3), Mesopodopsis Czerniavsky, 1882 (8), Mysis Latreille, 1802 (15), Nanomysis W. M. Tattersall, 1921 (3), Parastilomysis Ii, 1936 (4), Stilomysis Norman, 1892 (4; this genus defined in key by Norman, 1892: 148), Tasmanomysis Fenton, 1985 (1).