Dissomphalus incomptus Evans, 1964

(Figs 81–86)

Dissomphalus incomptus Evans, 1964: 51 –53 (Ƌ, holotype from Santa Catarina, BMNH, figs 26, 29, 34); Azevedo, 1999b: 932 –933

Diagnosis. Male. Dark castaneous. Mandible with three apical teeth. Median clypeal lobe roundedand median tooth. Frons weakly coriaceous, punctures small, shallow. Vertex slightly convex, corner rounded. Frontal angle ocellar triangle acute. Pronotal disc with anterior margintransverse rugosity. T2 with tergal process consisting of pair of setae. Genitalia: paramere short, about 0.5× as long as basiparamere, apical margin truncate, oblique, dorsal corner acute; base basiparamere constricted above genital ring; aedeagal ventral ramus long, but slightly shorter than dorsal body, laminar, surface horizontal, apical fourth diverging, apex rounded; dorsal body with four pairs apical lobes, dorsal pair with four pairs of prolongations; median pair laminar, surface horizontal, inner margin straight, outer margin convex, with inner apical cone; ventral pair with two pairs of ventral filaments directed downward, one smooth and other denticulate, inner pair short, stout, membranous and setose surface. Female unknown.

Remarks. This is the first record of this species (ten specimens) from Espírito Santo.

Material examined. Types: Holotype Ƌ, BRAZIL, Nova Teutonia, Santa Catarina, 2 May 1938, Fritz Plaumann (BMNH). New material examined: BRAZIL, Espírito Santo: 8Ƌ, Linhares, 01.IX.1999, V.L.R.M. Benassi col. (UFES); 1Ƌ, Castelo, Parque Nacional do Forno Grande, 25.IX–02.X.2013, [armadilha] Malaise, Barbosa, D. N. col. (UFES); 1♂, Ibitirama, Parque Nacional do Caparaó, 20º27’S 41º44’W, 16–23.III.2013, [armadilha] Malaise, C.O. Azevedo & F.B. Fraga col. (UFES).

Distribution. Argentina, Brazil (Espírito Santo, São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina) and Paraguay.