Tricheops guillemeti new species

(Fig. 3)

Etymology. This species name is derived from the French noun guillemet (angle quotes), referring to the guillemet shaped markings on the pronotum of the species.

Diagnosis. Tricheops guillemeti can be distinguished from other members of this genus by its golden colouring with dark brown markings, two markings on lateral sides of pronotum and single dark brown marking on the posterior part of the pronotum (Fig. 3 A). T. guillemeti can be further distinguished by a lateral pronotum length 0.73 times height and the metafemur length 3.5 –4.0 times width (Fig. 3 B, D–E).

Description. Length. 14–15 mm and length 5.0 to 5.5 times width. Dorsal and ventral surface bearing short recumbent setae (Fig. A–B). Head. Not constricted behind eyes and frontoclypeal suture weakly impressed (Fig. 3 A, C). Gland dispenser bears a single, moderately long, seta (Fig. 3 C–D). Frontal interocular index of 2.4 and upper lobes separated dorsally by 2.0– 2.1 times diameter of antennal socket (Fig. 3 A, C). Number of stemmata at narrowest point of lobes (near junction with next lobe): upper lobe 8–10; median lobe 7; and lower lobe 10–11 (Fig. 3 D). Antennal insertions separated by 2.5 times diameter of antennal foramen (Fig. 3 C). Antenna. Exceeding apex of elytra by 2–3 antennomeres (Fig. 3 A). Scape 0.5–0.6 of pronotum length and antennomere 3 about 1.0– 1.1 times the size of antennomere 4 (Fig. 3 A). Prothorax. Pronotal disc with two anterior moderately raised nodules with apex, two posterior slightly raised rounded nodules and disc bearing short recumbent setae only (Fig. 3 A, D– E). Pterothorax. Scutellum disc sparsely setose and mesocoxae narrowly separated, at narrowest point separated by 0.2 of the cavity diameter (Fig. 3 A–B). Elytra. Length 3.3 times the length of the pronotum and vestiture of elytra comprising of short recumbent setae (Fig. 3 A). Legs. Metafemur length 3.5 –4.0 times greatest width (Fig. 3 B, E). Abdomen. Ventrites with short recumbent setae. Ventrite 1 about 1.5–1.6 times the length of ventrite 2, ventrite 5 is as long as ventrite 4 and apically emarginate (Fig. 3 B).

Types. Holotype: Western Australia: 2km WSW of Muggan roadhouse, 156km SW of Warburton (27 °00’S, 125 ° 19 ’E), 13–14.ix. 1982, B. Hanich & T.F Houson (WAM).

Biological data. The single specimen was collected in unknown circumstances.

Distribution. This species is known from a single specimen collected 2 km west south west of Muggan (now Warburton) Roadhouse and 156 km southwest of Warburton.