Material examined. Northern Territory. 1 /0/0, Umbrawarra Gorge, Umbrawarra Gorge NP, 13 º 57.892 S 131 º 41.620 E, 1 -x- 2005; 3 / 10 /0, Lily Pond, Katherine Gorge, Nitmiluk NP, 14 º 18.801 S 132 º 28.326 E, 3 -x- 2005.
Remarks. Known from the Northern Territory and Western Australia. Females have a relatively large gonopore, 120–132 long (n = 5), ratio length ventral shield/length gonopore is 3.1-3.5. In G. clodus, another small species, the gonopore is 106–110 long (n = 5), and the ratio length ventral shield/length gonopore is 4.0– 4.4.