Cadulus subfusiformis (Sars M., 1865)

Fig. 11 g

Siphonodentalium subfusiforme Sars M., 1865 (p. 301).

Cadulus subfusiformis M. Sars—Jeffreys 1883 [a] (p. 664).

Cadulus subfusiformis (M. Sars) —Pilsbry & Sharp 1898 (p. 163, pl. 24, figs. 29, 31, 32). Gadila subfusiforme (M. Sars) — Di Geronimo et al. 2001 (pl. 1, fig. 14). Cadulus subfusiforme (M. Sars, 1865) — Petersen 2004 (p. 60, fig. 43).

Cadulus subfusiformis (Sars M., 1865) — Repetto et al. 2005 (p. 359, mid right fig.).

Diagnostic characters. Weakly curved, thin shell; moderate middle expansion; subequal apertures. Larval shell: not available.

Remarks. Cadulus jeffreysi (Monterosato, 1875) differs in having a more inflated shell with apertures of different size.

Occurrence. Cores BC21 (1 specimen), BC51 (1), BC52 (1). Maximum length: 1.5 mm.

Distribution and habitat. Cadulus subfusiformis is distributed from the NE Atlantic (Scandinavia, including Norway fjords) to the Bay of Biscay and the western Mediterranean; it is a predator species living on muddy and clayey bottoms in the 80–1300 m depth range, regarded as characteristic of VP (bathyal mud) biocoenosis (Pilsbry & Sharp 1898; Di Geronimo & Li Gioi 1980; Di Geronimo & Bellagamba 1985; Buhl-Mortensen & Høisaeter 1993; Petersen 2004).

Fossil record. Miocene of Belgium; Pliocene of northern Italy; Pleistocene of Denmark (Petersen 2004; Marquet 2006; Tabanelli 2008); in the Mediterranean, it was sometimes reported as restricted to Wurm period (Di Geronimo & Li Gioi 1980; Di Geronimo & Bellagamba 1985).