Tropidomya abbreviata (Forbes, 1843)

Fig. 10 l–n

Neaera abbreviata Forbes, 1843 (p. 75).

Neaera abbreviata Forbes—Jeffreys 1882 [a] (p. 943); Hidalgo 1917 (p. 493).

Cuspidaria (Tropidomya) abbreviata (Forbes) — Tebble 1966 (p. 205, text-fig. 110).

Tropidomya abbreviata (Forbes, 1843) — Nordsieck 1969 (p. 173, pl. 24, fig. 98.30); Oliver et al. 2016 (online resource). Cuspidaria abbreviata (Forbes, 1843) — Poppe & Goto 1993 (p. 139, pl. 26, fig. 7); Repetto et al. 2005 (p. 355, mid left fig). Cuspidaria (Tropidomya) abbreviata (Forbes, 1843) — Salas 1996 (p. 76, figs. 129–130).

Diagnostic characters. Oval-trigonal shell; rather pointed beaks; short, rounded posterior rostrum; hinge with a very small cardinal tooth in each valve; single thin radial ridge from the beaks to the postero-ventral margin; shallow radial depression posterior to the ridge, corresponding to an internal strong fold. Prodissoconch: shell type ST-2D; length about 130 µm; slightly inequilateral (longer anteriorly), ellipsoidal outline; convex profile; P-1 surface with arcuate wrinkles in the cicatrix area; P-2 almost absent; transition to the nepioconch rather well marked.

Occurrence. Box-corer samples BC71 (3 specimens), BC72 (26); core BC72 (2). Maximum length: 7 mm.

Distribution and habitat. The species is distributed from northern Norway to Morocco and the Mediterranean, in the 460–1350 m depth interval (Nordsieck 1969; Buhl-Mortensen & Høisaeter 1993; Poppe & Goto 1993; Oliver et al. 2016).

Fossil record. Pliocene of Sicily (Monterosato 1872).