Dataset Title: Arctic Biofouling Questionnaire Data "Primary Investigator: Sarah Bailey, Fisheries and Oceans Canada - GLLFAS," "Data Contributors: Farrah Chan " Purpose: These data were collected to assess biofouling risk in the Canadian Arctic based on ships' operational profile and antifouling practices. Questionnaire Survey Time Period: 2015-2016 Geographic Description: Canadian Arctic including Labrador Sampling Method: Questionnaire "Funding Information: Funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Transport Canada, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council" Related Publications: Related Data Files: CSV file - ColumnName - Explanation ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Form.csv - Information on unique form (may be considered as 'trip') ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Form.csv - FormID - Identifier for the received form. May also referred to as trip. Primary key for the form table. Note that some ships submitted multiple forms if they visited the Canadian Arctic more than once during the study period. ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Form.csv - ShipID - Identifier for each unique ship. Primary key for the ship table ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Form.csv - FormType - QuestionnaireForm = the survey forms submitted by ships; BallastWaterReportingForm = ballast water reporting forms were used to determine the voyage history of some ships when necessary. ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Form.csv - Yr - Year of questionnaire received ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Form.csv - FirstTrip - First trip of the shipping season to the Canadian Arctic ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Form.csv - AmendedForm - Whether the ship submitted a form before during the same shipping season. If so an amended form was submitted. ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Form.csv - MultipleStops - Whether the ship made multiple stops in the Canadian Arctic ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Form.csv - TypicalSpeed_Knot - Typical sailing speed in knots ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Form.csv - DaysPerYearAtSea - Number of days per year in motion (sailing) ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Form.csv - DaysPerYearAtPort - Number of stationary (in mooring) days per year ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Form.csv - DurationBtwDryDocking_Months - Months between scheduled dry docking ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Form.csv - LastDryDocking - Date of last dry docking ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Form.csv - SubDate - Date of submission ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - Information on unique ship. If a ship submitted multiple forms the information on all its forms was considered to produce the best results. ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - ShipID - Identifier for each unique ship. Primary key for the ship table ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - ShipType - Ship type provided by respondents ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - ShipType2 - Ship type standardized ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - Flag - County of registration ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - DaysPerYearAtSea - Number of days per year in motion (sailing) ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - DaysPerYearAtPort - Number of stationary (in mooring) days per year ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - Age of ship - Age of ship during 2016. ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - Age of Antifouling Coating (dd) - Age of antifouling coating based on the difference between the coating application date and survey submission date. ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - Sailing speed (knots) - Ship speed (knots) ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - YearBuilt - Year the ship was built ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - GrossTonnage - Gross tonnage of ship ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - WaterlineLength - Length of ship measured at waterline ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - Breadth_m - Breadth of ship in metres ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - Draft_m - Draft of ships in metres ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - UnderwaterArea_m2 - Estimated underwater area in squared metres ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Ship.csv - Notes - Notes on how underwater area was estimated ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - Information on biofouling extent on ships. Generally one record per form ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - FoulingID - Primary key for the fouling table ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - RecentInspection - Whether fouling information was based on recent inspection (True). If False fouling based on best guess ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - InspectionDate - Date of most recent inspection ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - FoulPct_BulbousBow - Fouling percent cover at bulbous bow ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - BulbousBowAF - Antifouling system at bulbous bow ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - FoulPct_Transom - Fouling percent cover at transom ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - TransomAF - Antifouling system at transom ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - FoulPct_MainHull - Fouling percent cover on main hull ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - MainHullAF - Antifouling system on main hull ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - FoulPct_Propeller - Fouling percent cover at propeller ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - PropellerAF - Antifouling system at propeller ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - FoulPct_Rudder - Fouling percent cover at rudder ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - RudderAF - Antifouling system at rudder ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - FoulPct_SeaChests - Fouling percent cover at seachests ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - SeaChestsAF - Antifouling system at seachests ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - FoulPct_SCGratings - Fouling percent cover at seachest grating ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - SCGratingsAF - Antifouling system at seachest gratings ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_Self-ReportedFouling.csv - FoulPct_All - Overal fouling percent cover on the entire ship ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - Information on biofouling extent on ships. Generally one record per form ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - AFID - Primary key for the antifouling table ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - CoatType - Type of antifouling coating ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - CoatNote - Note on antifouling coating: biocidal or non-biocidal; added field for analysis ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - CoatManufacturer - Manufacturer of antifouling coating ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - CoatAppDate - Date of antifouling coating application ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - CoatAppLoc - Geographic location of facility where antifouling coating was applied ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - CoatAppCountry - Country of facility where antifouling coating was applied ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - CoatSerLife% - Remaining service life of antifouling coating ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - MGPreSysType - Marine growth prevention system type ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - MGPreSysCat - Note on marine growth prevention system type: ICCP = Impressed current cathodic protection protects ships from corrosion not antifouling; added field for analysis ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - MGManufacturer - Manufacturer of marine growth prevention system ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - MGAppDate - Date of marine growth prevention system application ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - MGAppLoc - Geographic location of facility where marine growth prevention system was installed ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - MGAAppCountry - Country of facility where marine growth prevention system was installed ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_AntiFoulingSystem.csv - MGSerLife% - Remaining service life of marine growth prevention system ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_TravelHistory.csv - Information of voyage history up to last 10 ports of call. Multiple records (one record per visited ports) per form ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_TravelHistory.csv - HistoryID - Primary key for the voyage history table ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_TravelHistory.csv - StopSeq - Stop sequence: 1 = last most recent port of call up to 10 last port of call ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_TravelHistory.csv - PortName - Name of port visited ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_TravelHistory.csv - Arctic - Whether the port visited was in the Arctic ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_TravelHistory.csv - PortCountry - County of visited port ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_TravelHistory.csv - ArrivalDate - Date of arrival at visited port ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_TravelHistory.csv - DepartureDate - Date of departure from visited port ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_TravelHistory.csv - SeaIceThickness_m - The thickness of sea ice if encountered during the trip ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_TravelHistory.csv - SeaIceThickness_m - Whether the ship contacted sea ice during the trip ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ArcticArrivals.csv - All arrivals made in the Canadian Arctic during the study period. This includes stops made in the Canadian Arctic as part of the voyage history (in voyage history table) and planned stops in the Canadian Arctic (if planning to make multiple stops) "ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ArcticArrivals.csv - ID - Primary key for the Arctic arrivals table (this includes ports visited that were in the Canadian Arctic - voyage history table and multiple stops in the Canadain Arctic)""" ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ArcticArrivals.csv - ArcticID - Primary key for the Arctic visit table (multiple stops in the Arctic) ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ArcticArrivals.csv - ArcStop_ID - Stop sequence in the Canadian Arctic: 1 = last most recent port of call up to 10 last port of call ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ArcticArrivals.csv - ETA - Estimated time (date) of arrival ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ArcticArrivals.csv - ETD - Estimated time (date) of departure ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ArcticArrivals.csv - FormType - Arc = Arctic visits (planned stops); Voy = Voyage history (visited last pots of call) ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ForRegressionAnalysis.csv - This data was used to run the Arctic questionnaire data through the tree-based models in R. ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ForRegressionAnalysis.csv - Ship - Unique ship identifier ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ForRegressionAnalysis.csv - Coast - Sampling region (Arctic = ar) ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ForRegressionAnalysis.csv - Type - Ship type ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ForRegressionAnalysis.csv - Port - Port residence time (days per year) ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ForRegressionAnalysis.csv - dd - Age of antifouling coating (days) ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ForRegressionAnalysis.csv - Speed - Typical ship speed (knots) ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ForRegressionAnalysis.csv - Latitude.min - Minimum latitude over the last 10 ports-of-calls ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ForRegressionAnalysis.csv - Latitude.max - Maximum latitude over the last 10 ports-of-calls ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ForRegressionAnalysis.csv - Regions - Number of Marine Ecosystems of the World realms visited over the last 10 ports-of-call ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ForRegressionAnalysis.csv - Tonnage.gross - Weight of ship (tonnes) ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ForRegressionAnalysis.csv - Surface - Estimated total wetted surface area of ship (m2) ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ForRegressionAnalysis.csv - Percent - Percent cover of biofouling (algae and invertebrates) on each ship ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ForRegressionAnalysis.csv - RecentInspection - Indicates whether the percent cover of biofouling value is based on Captain's best guess assessment or recent underwater inpection of the ship ArcticBiofoulingQuestionnaireData_ForRegressionAnalysis.csv - Notes - notes about the data