Key to species of Haploops

1 Corneal lenses present................................................................................. 2

- Corneal lenses absent................................................................................ 14

2 Two pairs of corneal lenses............................................................................ 3

- Only one pair of corneal lenses...........................................................................7

3 Inferior lenses in the middle of the lobe head..................................... Haploops sibirica Gurjanova, 1929

- Inferior lenses near or on the margin head..................................................................4 4 Inferior lenses near the margin head.......................................... Haploops dellavallei Chevreux, 1900 - Inferior lenses on the margin............................................................................. 5 5 Short down-like setae on the back, coxa 1 strongly truncated............................. Haploops laevis Hoek, 1882 - These characters absent................................................................................ 6 6 Inferior lenses on the margin, antennae =body length............................. Haploops nirae Kaïm-Malka, 1976 - Inferior lenses on the internal side of the margin, antennae = 1/2 body lenth........... Haploops tenuis Kanneworff, 1966 7 Only superior lenses present (inferior absent).............................................................. 8 - Only inferior lenses present (superior absent).............................................................. 13 8 A1 <A 2........................................................................................... 9 - A1> A 2........................................................................................... 12 9 A1 length <or = A 2 peduncle......................................................................... 10 - A1 length> A 2 peduncle............................................................................. 11 10 A1 length <A2 peduncle, head truncated straight................................ Haploops descansa Barnard, 1961 - A1 length = A 2 peduncle, head transversely truncated.......................... Haploops oonah Lowry & Poore, 1985 11 A 2 = 1 / 3 body................................................. Haploops fundiensis Wildish & Dickinson, 1982 - A 2 = 1 / 2 body............................................................ Haploops tubicola Lilljborg, 1856 12 A 2> body, head truncated straight................................ Haploops gascogni Dauvin & Bellan-Santini, 1996 - A 2 =1 / 2 body, head transversely truncated................................. Haploops antennata Kaïm-Malka, 2012 13 Long setae on Md, back, telson, A1 <A 2................................... Haploops longiseta Kaïm-Malka, 2010 - Few long dorsal setae, A1> A 2.............................................. Haploops proxima Chevreux, 1919 14 Pereopod 7 basis narrow.............................................................................. 15 - Pereopod 7 basis broad............................................................................... 19 15 Uropod 1, rami equal................................................................................. 16 - Uropod 1, rami unequal.............................................................................. 18 16 Dorsal side of pleon and urosome carinate..................................... Haploops vallifera Stephensen, 1925 - Dorsal side of pleon and urosome not carinate............................................................. 17 17 P7 not elongate, basis lobe reaching longer than ischium............. Haploops antarctica Bellan-Santini & Dauvin, 2008 - P7 elongate, basis lobe reaching only the end of ischium (male only)............... Haploops abyssorum Chevreux, 1908 18 A1 = A 2, Coxa 4 heart-shaped............................................... Haploops similis Stephensen, 1925 - A1 = A 2 peduncle, coxa 4 not heart shaped.......................................... Haploops lodo Barnard, 1961 19 Long dorsal tuft of setae (pereon 5–7 & pleon), P7 basis lobe triangular.................... Haploops setosa Boeck, 1870 - Long dorsal tuft of setae (pereon 5–7 & pleon), P7 basis lobe rounded.......................................... 20 20 Urosome 1 high upturned carina.............................................. Haploops carinata Lilljeborg, 1855 - Urosome 1 carina straight............................................................................. 21 21 Antenna length> body length, antennae very strong...................................... Haploops islandica n. sp. - Antenna length =1/2 body length............................................... Haploops robusta G.O.Sars, 1891 19' Short posterodorsal setae (Pl 2–3 & U 1).............................. H. meloi Valerio-Berardo, 2008 (dubious species)