Genus Haploops Lilljeborg, 1855

Haploops Lilljeborg, 1855:135; Barnard, 1969: 132; Karaman, 1975: 57; Lincoln, 1979: 124; Bellan-Santini, 1982: 64; Barnard & Karaman, 1991: 90.

Type species. Haploops tubicola Lilljeborg, 1855, original designation.

Diagnosis. Flagella of antennae 1–2 with 5 or more articles. Article 3 of maxillipedal palp produced or inflated. Article 2 of pereopod 7 variable, usually narrow and with anterior and posterior margins parallel, or posterior oblique and article 2 expanding ventrally, or article 2 tapering, anterior margin of posteroventral lobe near junction with article 2 (?) setose or face of lobe with large setae. Telson varying from scarcely longer to as long as, or shorter than broad, cleft much more than half its length (Barnard & Karaman, 1991).

Distribution. Marine, cosmopolitan, cold water, submergent, 6–3570 m (Barnard & Karaman, 1991).