Scatopsciara (Xenopygina) chenoae sp. n. *

(Fig. 14 A–D)

Locus typicus: USA, Arizona, Pima County, Tucson Mts. 16 km W Tucson, 32.24°N, 111.13°W, Sonora desert. Holotype: Male, 28.ix.–7.x.1995, leg. S. Prchal, Malaise trap (PWMP).

Description. Male. Head. Eye bridge 3 facets wide. 4th flagellomere with l/w-index 1.8, haired longer than wide, brownish; neck rather long. Palpus 3-segmented, short; basal segment with slightly deepened sensory pit and one bristle only. Thorax. Brown; scutum haired brown. Wings pale; R1 very short, = 1/3 R; c = ½ w; y short, = 1/ 2 x, bare; posterior veins bare. Haltere short, brownish. Legs yellowish; tibial organ of fore tibia small, comb-like; one spur of middle tibia strongly reduced, hind tibiae with long but unequal spurs; claws toothless. Abdomen. Brown, haired pale. Hypopygium brown; gonocoxites longer than gonostylus, inner ventral margin haired sparsely. Gonostylus slender, elongated, without tooth; with 3 small, equal spines on the apex and short, awl-like bristles in apical half. Tegmen simple. Body size: 1.7 mm.

Comments. This small species is characterized by short and awl-like bristles in the apical half of gonostylus. It is similar to Sc. cucumeris Johannsen and differs by a slender (not bulbous) gonostylus and stronger flagellomeres. The species belongs to the Sc. inesae group.

Distribution. USA (Arizona).

*Chenoa = dove, Sioux.