Eucopia sculpticauda Faxon, 1893

Distribution. Atlantic, including Caribbean, Indo-Pacific. Mauritania, Bay of Bengal, off Seychelles, Philippines, Hawaii, Peru Trench, W-Africa, South Africa, Comores, Madagascar, Indonesia, southern California and Oregon, east coast of Greenland, Golfe de Gascogne, Antarctica.

Depth range. 850–6000 m.

Habitat. Meso- to bathypelagic or bathypelagic as adult.

Iberian Seas published records. South Bay of Biscay (Fage 1942). Off Calician and Asturias coasts (Lagardère 1983, 1985). Off Calician coasts (Nouvel 1943). Azores / Biscay rise close to the margin of the Iberian- Abyssal Plain (42ºN–17ºW: Angel et al. 1982, Hargreaves 1985). Off Portugal (41º37'N – 12º36'W: Tattersall 1955). South Canary Islands-Cape Bojador (Illig 1930). Off Gulf of Cádiz (Nouvel 1943). Offshore species related to the Canary Archipelago (Wittmann & Wirtz 1998, Haroun & Garrido 2003, Wittmann et al., 2004 Wittmann & Riera 2012). Madeira (Wittmann & Riera 2012). Azores, Madeira and Canaries (Fage 1942, Nouvel 1943). Atlantic coast of Morocco (Furnestin 1957). Off South Morocco (24º30’N – 17º01’W: De Jong & Casanova 1997b, Wittmann & Riera 2012).