Eudorellopsis Sars, 1882

Type species. Leucon deformis Krøyer, 1846.

Diagnosis. Female. Carapace with pseudorostrum dorsally directed, extending dorsally of carapace dorsal margin. Antennule geniculate between articles 1 and 2. Pereopod 2 with or without ischium. Exopods present on maxilliped 3 to pereopod 3. Uropod endopod biarticulate. Adult male. Antennal flagellum extending into pleon. Exopods present on maxilliped 3 to pereopod 4. With 2 pairs of pleopods.

Remarks. Only one species of Eudorellopsis has been previously described from the southern hemisphere, E. resima Calman, 1907 from New Zealand.

Australian species. Eudorellopsis mykteros n. sp.