Key to adults of the genus Wandesia from Russia 1

1. P- 5 with solenidion (flagelar seta) which is much longer than its length........................................... 2

- P- 5 with solenidion shorter or subequal to its length.......................................................... 3

2. Cx-IV well developed, with medial part reaching medial part of Cx-III............................ W. sokolowi sp. n.

- Cx-IV weakly developed, with medial part not reaching medial part of Cx-III............ W. morozovensis Tuzovskij, 1987

3. Cx-IV well developed, with medial part reaching medial part of Cx-III.......................................... 4

- Cx-IV reduced, with medial part not reaching medial part of Cx-III......................... W. reducta Tuzovskij, 1987

4. Cx-I with three setae.................................................................. W. paralia Abé, 2010

- Cx-I with four setae............................................................... W. arctica Tuzovskij, 1988

1 Female of W. cf. rara Tuzovskij, 1990 described from South Korea differing from below mentioned species in stronly concave dorsal margin of the tarsus of I-L and II-L. Only W. reducta Tuzovskij, 1987 has slightly concave dorsal margin of these segments.