Anobothrus Levinsen, 1884

Type species: Ampharete gracilis Malmgren, 1866

Sosanides Hartmann-Schröder, 1965 Anobothrella Hartman, 1967

Melythasides Desbruyères, 1978

Generic diagnosis. Prostomium with middle lobe delimited by incision from surrounding lobe, without glandular ridges. Buccal tentacles smooth or papillose. Three to four pairs of cirriform branchiae, all arising from fused segments II+III. Notochaetae originating from segment II, if present, varying in size from regular notochaetae size to strongly enlarged. Eleven or twelve thoracic uncinigers. One anterior unciniger may have a circular glandular band. Fourth-, fifth-, or sixth-to-last thoracic unciniger with one or more modifications: elevated notopodia, glandular ridge between notopodia, modified notochaetae. Two intermediate segments. Abdominal rudimentary notopodia absent.