Amage Malmgren, 1866

Type species: Amage auricula Malmgren, 1866

Paramage Caullery, 1944 Egamella Fauchald, 1972 Mexamage Fauchald, 1972

Generic diagnosis. Prostomium with middle lobe surrounded by inflated lobe, lacking glandular ridges. Buccal tentacles smooth. Two to four pairs of cirriform branchiae. Segment II usually without chaetae, or exceptionally with minute chaetae. Thorax with 11–14 uncinigers. Modified or intermediate segments absent. Abdomen with rudimentary notopodia.

Remarks. With the description of new Amage species with unusual features (Schüller & Jirkov 2013; Reuscher et al. 2015) and the proposed synonymy of Amage with other genera (Jirkov 2011), the generic diagnosis has become quite inclusive. A revision of Amage is urgently needed to determine if this is justified, or if the genus needs to be split.