Abyssobrotula Nielsen, 1977

Abyssobrotula Nielsen, 1977: 41, type species Abyssobrotula galatheae Nielsen, 1977 (type locality: Kermadec Trench, New Zealand).

Abyssobrotula: Cohen & Nielsen 1978: 24, fig. 34; Shcherbachev 1980: 114; Shcherbachev & Tsinovsky 1980: 55; Machida 1989: 23; Nielsen et al. 1999: 50, fig. 45.

Diagnosis. This diagnosis is a slightly modified version of the one from Nielsen et al. (1999) due to the establishing of a new species. An ophidiid genus characterized by the following combination of characters: Body compressed and short head with a downward inflection, swollen snout, inferior mouth long, its posterior margin extending well behind small eye, body and head fully scaled, two median and a pair of basibranchial tooth patches, dorsal-fin rays 97–116, anal-fin rays 76 –96, 10– 15 pectoral-fin rays extending beyond anus, pelvic-fin rays 2, long rakers 8–11 on anterior gill arch, precaudal vertebrae 17–20, total vertebrae 67–75.