(Figs 12–13)
Morphosphaera collaris Laboissière, 1930: 362 (Vietnam, China: Sichuan); Ogloblin, 1936: 408 (key); Gressitt and Kimoto, 1963a: 557 (list); Wilcox, 1971: 219 (list); Weidner, 1976: 226 (catalogue of types at ZMUH); Kimoto, 1989: 97 (key, list); Beenen, 2010: 462 (list); Yang et al., 2015: 189 (key), 190 (list).
Type material. Lectotype ♀ (MNHN), here designated, labeled: “ MUSEUM PARIS / TONKIN CENTR / Env. De TUYEN-QUAN / A. WEISS 1901 [p, w] // Été [p, w] // TYPE [p, w, red letters] // Morphosphaera / collaris m [h] / V. Laboissière—Dét [p, w]”. Paralectotype: 1 ex. (ZMUH): “Sze-Tchouan [p, w] // TYPE [p, w, red letters] // Morphosphaera / collaris m [h] / V. Laboissière—Dét [p, w] // Le Moult Vend / via Reinbek / Eing Nr. 1, 1957 [p, w]”.
Description. Length 8.8–11.0 mm, width 6.1–6.5 mm. Head black except ventral sides of three basal antennomeres reddish brown; elytra purplish or bluish metallic; scutellum black; meso- and metathoracic ventrites, and legs dark brown or blackish brown; abdomen yellowish brown (Figs 12 A–12C); prothorax yellowish brown, prosternum dark brown, pronotum with one pair of large black spots in a transverse line across disc, and median, longitudinal, broad black band, laterally joined with black spots (Fig. 12 D). Antenna filiform (Fig. 13 A), 0.5x as long as body; length ratios of antennomeres II to XI about 1.0: 1.7: 2.0: 1.8: 1.8: 2.0: 1.8: 1.9: 1.8: 2.0, and length to width ratios of antennomeres II to XI about 1.7: 2.4: 2.8: 2.5: 2.6: 2.8: 2.6: 2.7: 2.9: 3.4. Aedeagus (Figs 13 B–13C) slender in dorsal view, about 8.3x longer than wide, parallel-sided; apex lanceolate and with small rounded process at middle; ventral surface well sclerotized and smooth; narrow and moderately curved in lateral view; apical process of endophallic sclerite directed outwards, with subapical process; apico-lateral process strongly curved inwards; with one pair of erect processes and recurved outwards at apical 1/3; base tubelike. Gonocoxae reduced. Ventrite VIII (Fig. 13 E) with short spiculum; apex transverse, with dense setae along apical area, abbreviated at sides. Receptacle of spermatheca (Fig. 13 F) elongate and slightly swollen, pump much narrower and strongly curved, proximal spermathecal duct short and wide.
Diagnosis. Morphosphaera collaris is similar to M. bimaculata in possessing bluish metallic elytra and one pair of large black spots on the sides of the pronotum, but adults of M. collaris have a median black band on the pronotum (brown band in M. bimaculata), internal sac lacking small setae, and apical process of endophallic sclerites bifurcate and acute.
Host plant. Unknown.
Other material examined. CHINA. Guangxi: 2 exs., Damingshan, 29.X.–2.XI.2014, leg. native collector (TARI); 1 ex., Miaoershan, S slope, 1300–2000m, 25–26.VI.1997, leg. Bolm (NHMB); LAOS. Bolikhamxai: 1 ex., Ban Nape, 1–18.V.2001, leg. V. Kubáň (NHMB); VIETNAM. 1 ex., Bao-Ha, 12.IV.1962, leg. A. Warchalowski (RBCN); 4 exs., Buonloi, 1982, leg. L. Medvedev (NHMB); 1 ex., Hua prov., Bach Ma Nat. Park, 16–20.IV.2012, leg. E. Jendek (JBCB); 1 ex., Tam-Dao, 25.IV.1962, leg. A. Warchalowski (RBCN); 1 ex., same locality, 1982, leg. L. Medvedev (ZSM); 2 exs., same locality, 12–24.V.1989, leg. Pacholátko (NHMB); 2 exs., same locality, 5–10.VI.1989, leg. Brantlová (MCSN, NHMB); 1 ex., same locality, 6–9.V.1990, leg. P. Pacholátko (NHMB); 5 exs., same locality, 1–8.VI.1996, leg. Pacholátko & Dembický (NHMB, SMNS); 5 exs., same but with “ 9–19.V.1996 ” (NHMB); 1Ƌ, same locality, 8–18.V.2012, leg. E. Jendek (JBCB); 1 ex., 180 km SSW Hanoi, 40 KM SW Than Hoa Ben En Nat. Park, 5–8.VII.1997, leg. A. Napolov (NME).
Distribution. China (Guangxi, Sichuan), Laos, Vietnam.