Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Merobruchus bicoloripes Pic 1927


Merobruchus bIcolorIpes (Pic, 1927)

(Figures 4, 9, 34, 38, 41–42, 56, 81, 105, 131)

Pseudopachymerus bicoloripes Pic, 1927: 32 (original description, type locality: "Pernambuco, Brazil ", type depository: MNHN).

Caryedes bicoloripes: Blackwelder, 1946: 757 (distribution); Udayagiri & Wadhi, 1989: 71 (distribution).

Merobruchus bicoloripes: Terán & Muruaga de L'Argentier, 1981: 61, 74–83 (new combination, biology, description, host plant, distribution); Muruaga de L’Argentier & Dipierri, 1983: 87 (host plant); Kingsolver, 1988: 1 –5, 63 (distribution, host plant, taxonomy); Macêdo et al., 1992: 331, 333 (distribution, host plant); Link & Costa, 1995: 113 –114, 116–117, 120–121 (host plant); Johnson & Siemens, 1997: 14, 16 (host plant); Johnson & Romero-Nápoles, 2004: 404 (behavior); Kingsolver & Muruaga de L’Argentier, 2004: 87–88 (distribution, host plant).

Pseudopachymerus ruficornis var. subuniformis Pic, 1938: 22 (original description; synonymized by Kingsolver, 1988: 2).

Caryedes ruficornis var. subuniformis: Blackwelder, 1946: 758 (distribution).

Material Examined. Type material. Pseudopachymerus bicoloripes Pic, 1927. Holotype deposited in MNHN, male (Fig. 155): (1) “Pernambuco/(Brésil)” [Handwritten] (2) “ Type ” [Orange label, handwritten in black] (3) “ bicoloripes /n sp” [Handwritten] (4) “ HOLOTYPE ” (5) “ bicoloripes /Pic/det.70/J.M.Kingsolver” (6) “ Merobruchus / bicoloripes (Pic, 1927) /Ribeiro-Costa, C.S. det. 2007”. Additional material. BRAZIL: Pernambuco: 7, Pesqueira, Fazenda São Francisco, Serra do Ororubá, 12.i.2005, Iannuzzi L. col. Enterolobium contortisiliquum (DZUP). Mato Grosso: 2, Cuiabá, Marques M. col., Enterolobium contortisiliquum (DZUP); 1, Salobra, 18–29.x.1938, Lane F. col. (MZSP). Distrito Federal: 3, Brasília, 04.ix.1995, Ramos F.A. col. (DZUP). Minas Gerais: 23, Montes Claros, Parque Estadual da Lapa Grande, 13.viii.2010, Moreira P.A. col., Enterolobium contortisiliquum (DZUP); 9, Paraopeba, Heringer col. (USNM); 2, Montes Claros, Parque Estadual da Lapa Grande, Moreira P.A. col. (FIOC); 7, Viçosa, 18.vii.1979, Santana P.C. col., orelha de negro (DZUP). São Paulo: 2, Teodoro Sampaio, R.E. Morro do Diabo, 22°27’S 52°10’W, viii.1993, Teixeira, E.O. col., Tamboril (DZUP); 2, Teodoro Sampaio, R.E. Morro do Diabo, 28.viii.1986, Teixeira, E.O. col., Enterolobium contortisiliquum (DZUP); 1, Itú, Faz. Pau d’Alho, viii.1960, Martins U. col. (MZSP); 20, Botucatu, Fazenda experimental Edgardia-FCA- UNESP, 22°48” S 48°24”31.56’W 577m, 15.v.2009, Rodrigues L.M.S. col, Enterolobium contortisiliquum (DZUP). Paraná: 1, Capitão Leônidas Marques,, Timbaúva (DZUP); 9, Curitiba, UFPR Campus Jardim Botânico, 12.ix.2009, Ribeiro-Costa C.S. col., Enterolobium sp. (DZUP); 43, Curitiba, UFPR Campus Jardim Botânico, 25°44”58.66’ S 49°24” 31.56’W 27.viii.2010, Ribeiro-Costa C.S., Viana J.H. & Andrade B.V. col. (DZUP); 27, Curitiba, UFPR Campus Jardim Botânico, 25°44”58.66’ S 49°24” 31.56’W, 27.viii.2010, Ribeiro- Costa C.S. & Viana J.H. col. (DZUP); 8, Curitiba, UFPR Campus Jardim Botânico, 25°26”45.18’ S 49°14” 20.86’W 929m, 30.v.2011, Viana J.H., Albuquerque F.P., Manfio D. & Ribeiro-Costa C.S. col. (DZUP); 6, Lunardelli, 11.viii.1983, Penteado col., Enterolobium contortisiliquum (USNM). Rio Grande do Sul: 4, Passo Fundo, 9.ix.2010, Savaris M. col., Enterolobium contortisiliquum (DZUP); 1, Pelotas, 25.xii.1995, Moura L. col. (DZUP); 4, São Sepé, 10.vii.1983, Costa E.C. & Link D. col., Enterolobium contortisiliquum (USNM); 1, Porto Alegre, 7.x.1936, Timbaúva (FIOC); 5, Santa Maria, 6.viii.1971, Link D. col., Enterolobium timbouva (USNM); 3, Santa Maria, 12.ix.2012, Garlet J. col., Enterolobium contortisiliquum (DZUP); 12, Santa Maria, 07.v.13, Dorneles D. U. col. (DZUP). PARAGUAY: Cordillera: 2, Caacupé, 7 km W, 11.x.1968, O’Brien C.W. & O’Brien L. col. (USNM).

Redescription, holotype. Body length: 4.36 mm; width: 2.84 mm.

Integument. Dorsum (Fig. 9): reddish brown and dark brown. Antenna: pale brown; antennomeres 8–10 slightly darker (Fig. 4). Ventral region: reddish brown and dark brown except anterior and middle legs pale brown (Fig. 4). Pygidium: reddish brown (Fig. 81).

Pubescence. Dorsum (Fig. 9): pronotum homogeneous and dense, yellowish gray, pale brown and coppery; scutellum yellowish gray; elytron variegate, yellowish gray, white, pale brown and coppery, except for pale brown pubescence forming a dense subrectangulate area from anterior to submedian region of elytra. Ventral region: yellowish gray, pale brown and white (Fig. 4); abdominal ventrites 1–2 with glabrous and polished lateral areas (Fig. 4). Pygidium: homogeneous and dense, pale brown (Fig. 56).

Body. Subrectangulate body.

Head: without occipital sulcus (Figs 2, 38); ocular index 3.1 mm; ocular sinus 0.17 mm (Figs 2, 38); long postocular lobe (Fig. 4); frons slightly elevated (Fig. 38); conspicuous frontal carina, micropunctate, with regular borders, not enlarged at base (Figs 2, 38); frontoclypeal carina distinct (Figs 2, 38). Antenna: slightly clavate from antennomere 5 (Fig. 4); 6–10 wider than long; 11 longer than wide. Pronotum: lateral margins concave in dorsal view (Fig. 9); basal lobe with straight margin; median gibbosity absent (Fig. 4); pronotum flat at posterior region, without longitudinal median sulcus (Fig. 9); lateral gibbosities absent, only slightly depressed on lateral corners (Fig. 9); sparse moderate and shallow punctation intermixed with fine punctation all over pronotum; lateral carina absent. Scutellum: subquadrate, as wide as long (Fig. 9); bidentate. Elytron: humeral gibbosity strongly conspicuous (Figs 4, 9); basal gibbosity absent (Figs 9, 41–42); striae regular in course, without basal denticles, free apically and visibly impressed, except 4–6 formed only by isolated punctation (Figs 41–42). Mesoventrite: mesoventral process rounded apically; postmesocoxal sulcus rounded, following the curvature of the coxa (Fig. 47). Metaventrite: protuberant in lateral view (Fig. 4); metanepisternum with sparse coarse punctation; dorsal carina incomplete, not limiting posterior corner and margin. Hind leg: femur in lateral view projects beyond pygidium (Fig. 4); pecten with 4 teeth; internal margin without denticles at anterior region before pecten. Tibia, external face smooth, not microserrated; lateroventral carina incomplete; mucro longer than width of tibia apically; coronal tooth absent; curvature of the tibia at external margin reaching half length of tibia. Abdomen: last ventrite with median apical border strongly emarginate, with short lateral projections (Fig. 55). Pygidium: entirely convex; median lateral tubercles slightly elevated; apical margin rounded.

Male genitalia. Median lobe (Fig. 105): length about 3.5 x the maximum width at base of ventral valve. Ventral valve arcuate, wider than long and narrower than median lobe apically. Internal sac, apical region without spines, spicules or denticles; median region with a large Y-shaped sclerite, rounded apically; basal region with dense small and thin spicules, a few sparse setae, a pair of small spine-shaped sclerite with narrow base and short apex. Basal hood bilobate, 2 x wider than largest width at base of ventral valve. Tegmen (Fig. 131): lateral lobes slightly deep emargination, not reaching half of its length; external and internal margins straight; truncate and oblique apex, not convergent, wider than basal region of lobes; without projections toward the ring.

Variability. Body length (n = 10): 3.15–4.33 mm; width: 2.16–2.85 mm.

Pubescence. Pygidium: yellowish gray and white or yellowish gray (Fig. 81).

Body. Head: ocular index 3.06–3.57 mm; ocular sinus 0.13–0.18 mm. Hind leg: femur, pecten with 5 teeth.

Female. Abdomen: last ventrite, median apical border with arcuate emargination (Fig. 52), with long lateral projections forming digitate process laterally (Figs 52, 81). Pygidium: almost straight in female.

Diagnosis. This species differs from M. pickeli mainly by the long postocular lobe, pronotum concave laterally, elytron without basal denticles.

Distribution. Brazil (Pernambuco, Mato Grosso, Distrito Federal, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul), Argentina (Jujuy, Salta, Formosa, Tucumán, Misiones, La Rioja, Santa Fé, Entre Rios, Santa Cruz), Paraguay (Cordillera).

Host plants. Fabaceae, Mimosoideae, Ingeae: Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong., Enterolobium timbouva Mart.

Remarks. When Terán & Muruaga de L'Argentier (1981) proposed a new combination to Merobruchus bicoloripes (Pic, 1927) they listed the literature related to Bruchus bicoloripes Pic, 1930 erroneously because they must list the literature related to Pseudopachymerus bicoloripes Pic, 1927.


Published as part of Manfio, Daiara & Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele Stramare, 2016, A key to American genus Merobruchus Bridwell (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) with descriptions of species and two new host plant records for the subfamily, pp. 284-319 in Zootaxa 4078 (1) on pages 288-289, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4078.1.25,


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Merobruchus bicoloripes Pic, 1927 sec. Manfio & Ribeiro-Costa, 2016


  • Pic, M. (1927) Coleopteres du globe. Melanges Exotico-Entomologiques, 50, 1 - 36.
  • Blackwelder, R. E. (1946) Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Bulletin of United States National Museum, 185, 551 - 763. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 03629236.185.4
  • Udayagiri, S. & Wadhi, S. R. (1989) Catalog of Bruchidae. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 45, 84 - 87.
  • Muruaga de L'argentier, S. & Dipierri, J. D. (1983) Los cariotipos de Scutobruchus cassiovorus (Philippi) y Merobruchus bicoloripes (Pic) (Coleoptera, Bruchidae, Bruchinae). Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 37 (1), 87 - 90.
  • Kingsolver, J. M. (1988) Systematics of the genus Merobruchus of Continental North America and the West Indies (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin, 1744, 1 - 63.
  • Macedo, M. V. (1992) New host records of some bruchids species in Brazil with the description of a new species of Caryedes (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). The Coleopterists Bulletin, 46 (4), 330 - 336.
  • Link, D. & Costa, E. C. (1995) Danos causados por insetos em sementes de Timbauva, Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong. Ciencia Florestal, 5 (1), 113 - 122.
  • Johnson, C. D. & Siemens, D. H. (1997) Oviposition behavior, guilds, host relationships and new distribution records for the genus Merobruchus Bridwell (Coleoptera). The Coleopterists Bulletin, 51 (1), 13 - 21.
  • Pic, M. (1938) Nouveautes diverses, mutations. Melanges Exotico-Entomologiques, 70, 23 - 25.