Pennella longicauda Gnanamuthu, 1957

(Fig. 13)

Synonyms. Pennella oxyporhamphi Sebastian, 1966

Type host and locality. Cypselerus bahiensis, Madras, Indian Ocean..

Morphology. Size: 35 mm. Papillae: partial coverage, clavate and tubiform, not spherical, unorganized arrangement. Holdfasts: two only, short. First antenna with five segments, second with three segments. Plumes: simple, single or double,

Remarks. Species inquirendae. Described from the flyingfish, s pecies inquirendae according to Hogans (1988a), based on missing type material. A brief account of a new species, figures in the original description show that the single specimen documented is sufficiently different from other Pennella to warrant consideration as a distinct species. Pennella longicauda is another small Pennella and exhibits unique cephalothoracic papillae (elongate, tubiform, not spherical- Fig. 13 b); the specimen described by Gnanamuthu (1957) was a gravid female with eggs strings. It has not been reported since the original record.