Pennella exocoeti (Holten, 1802)

(Figs. 3, 9)

Synonyms. Pennella blainvillei (Lesueur, 1824), P. holteni (Desmarest, 1825), P. liouvillei Quidor, 1912 Type host and locality. Exocoetus sp., Atlantic Ocean.

Morphology. Size: 34–42 mm. Papillae: partial coverage, tubiform and branched, arranged around perimeter of cephalothorax, not found in organized groups. Holdfasts: two only, short. First antenna with four segments, second with two segments. Plumes: simple, single or double.

Remarks. A valid species. Parasitic on flying fishes (Exocoetidae: Exocoetus, Cheilopogon) in the Atlantic Ocean (Hogans 1988a and references therein). A small species exhibiting uniform morphology between specimens. Redescribed from USNM material by Hogans (1988a).