Paradoneis eliasoni Mackie, 1991

Paradoneis eliasoni Mackie, 1991: 152 –154, figs. 3B–C, 4, 5; Kirkegaard 1996: 31 –32, fig. 12; Aguirrezabalaga & Gil 2009: 642 –643, fig. 9.

Cirrrophorus eliasoni.— Hartmann-Schröder 1996: 384 –385, fig. 181.

Material examined. 1890 Glitne GLI16; 58.6946°N – 1.6613°E; 115m; 30.05.2000; one specimen. 1890 Balder BAL46; 59.1940°N – 2.3520°E; 114 m; 01.06.2000; three specimens. 2876 Finnmark 435; 70.1382°N – 21.3680°E; 280 m; 18.09.2003; five specimens. 2876 Finnmark 592; 70.0650°N – 29.0608°E; 88 m; 18.09.2003; four specimens. 5390 E7122/4-1; 71.05°N-22.05°E; 340 m; 10.09.2015; one specimen.

Diagnosis. Antenna and secondary ciliary organs absent. Three prebranchial segments. Branchiae arranged in 6–12 pairs; flat, with wide base and rounded tip; conspicuously ciliated. Modified notochaetae forked. Neuropodia of posterior chaetigers bearing an enlarged spine-like ventral chaeta together with the capillaries.

Distribution. Eastern Atlantic from Norway (Mackie 1991) and Øresund, Skageraak, Kategaat (Kirkegaard, 1996) to Bay of Biscay (Aguirrezabalaga & Gil 2009). Jan Mayen (Bakken et al. 2010).