68. Mesocrista spitzbergensis (Richters, 1903) [T]

Diphascon emmautinum nov. spec. (Rahm 1936) Terra typica: Svalbard (Spitsbergen)


32°02′N, 35°50′E; 950 m asl: Amman Governorate, way to Amman, extreme arid or semi-arid climate. Rahm (1936)

Record numbers. Jordan: 1; total: 1

Remarks. Due to the limited original description (Rahm 1936), Ramazzotti (1972) considered this a variant of spitzbergensis. However, recent analysis of M. spitzbergensis and related species (Gąsiorek et al. 2016), indicates this is not spitzbergensis sensu stricto, but could be Mesocrista revelata Gąsiorek et al., 2016. Further work is required to clarify this record.