44. Pseudechiniscus suillus (Ehrenberg, 1853) sensu lato [T]

E. aRctomys Ehr. (Murray 1907a)

Echiniscus aRctomys Ehrenbg. (Richters 1908)

Echiniscus suillus Ehrenberg. (Richters 1911)

Pseudechiniscus suillus (Ehr.) (Murray 1913)

Pseudechiniscus suillus (Ehrenbg.) Marcus (1928)

P. suillus (Ehrbg.) (Marcus 1936)

Pseudechiniscus suillus Ehrenberg, 1853 (Rahm 1936) Pseudechiniscus suillus (Ehrbg.) forma Zavattarii n. (Pardi 1941) Pseudechiniscus suillus (Ehrenberg) 1853 (da Cunha & do Nascimento 1964) Pseudechiniscus suillus (Iharos 1969a)

Pseudechiniscus suillus Ehrbg. (Iharos (1978)

Pseudechiniscus suillus (Ramløv & Kristensen 1985)

Pseudechiniscus suillus (Ehrbg) (Maucci 1993)

Terra typica: Switzerland (Europe)


07°47′S, 15°01′E; 650 m asl: Uíge Province, near Carmona [Uíge], Estate at Pumba Loge, mosses. da Cunha & do Nascimento (1964)


04°11′N, 09°12′E; 1,900–1,950 m asl: Southwest Region, Mount Cameroon National Park, Mount Cameroon, primeval forest, above bothy No. 1, moss on trees and lava. Iharos (1969a)


04°03′N, 38°19′E; 1,700 m asl: Oromia Region, Mēga, moss (NeckeRa sp.) on tree (JunipeRus pRoceRa). Pardi (1941)

• Israel and Palestinian National Authority:

31°51′N, 35°25′E; - 100 m asl: near Jericho, St. George's Monastery, Wadi Qelt, extreme arid climate, lichen (XanthoRia paRietina L.). Rahm (1936)


00°01′S, 37°54′E: Undefined locality, British East Africa [Kenya], moss. Murray (1913)


32°25′N, 05°13′W; 1,750 m asl: Meknès-Tafilalet Region, S of Azrou, cedar forest, moss on limestone boulders in the forest glade. Ramløv & Kristensen (1985)

31°08′N, 07°55′W; 1,700 m asl: Tadla-Azilal Region, Imlil, walnut forest, moss on limestone cliffs. Ramløv & Kristensen (1985)

31°06′N, 07°55′W; 2,300–2,500 m asl: Tadla-Azilal Region, path to the Jebel Toubkal, scattered tussock vegetation, moss on basalt and mica slate. Ramløv & Kristensen (1985)

Republic of South Africa:

23°50′S, 29°59′E; 1,450 m asl: N Transvaal [Limpopo Province], Woodbush [Woodbush Forest Reserve]. Murray (1913)

26°03′S, 27°49′E; 1,500 m asl: Gauteng Province, NE Usumbara. Richters (1911)

29°44′S, 22°44′E: Undefined locality, Cape Colony [Cape Province]. Murray (1907a, 1913) (Marcus 1928)


03°07′S, 37°21′E; ca. 4,000 m asl: Kilimanjaro Region, Kilimanjaro National Park, Barranco trail, above tree line, slow running ice covered brooklet, pH 5.5, water temperature 5°C, benthos sample. Van Rompu et al. (1991a)


36°46′N, 08°41′E; 700 m asl: Jendouba Governorate, surroundings of Ain Draham, moss and lichen on tree (QueRcus saubeR). Iharos (1978)


01°22′N, 32°17′E: Undefined locality. Murray (1907b, 1913)

Record numbers. Angola: 1, Cameroon: 1, Ethiopia: 1, Israel: 1, Kenya: 1, Morocco: 3, Republic of South Africa: 3, Tanzania: 1, Tunisia: 1, Uganda: 1; total: 14.

Remarks. There is confusion with some early records of Echiniscus arctomys (e.g. Murray 1907a, b; Richters 1908), which were identified as in error by Richters (1911), corrected to Echiniscus suillus and in Marcus (1928) to Pseudechiniscus suillus. The suillus species complex (see: Fontoura & Morais 2011) was originally described from Europe (Ehrenberg, 1853), and requires a re-description. Other species within this complex (e.g. P. facettalis and P. santomensis Fontoura, Pilato & Lisi, 2010) have been described from the African continent and neighbouring islands, though some descriptions (e.g. Pardi 1941) do not conform to the more standard definition of P. suillus. The presence of P. suillus sensu stricto (in Africa) requires confirmation.