Amazoonops ducke sp. nov.

Figs 4–6, 8, 16, 19–23, 25, 92–106, Map 1

Types. Holotype male from Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke (02°55’34.97”S 59°56’24.97”W), Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, 15.XI.2004, S.M. Ketelhut et al. (INPA 5805, PBI_ OON 40525). Paratype male from Fazenda Experimental da UFAM, Km 38, BR174 (02°39’21.23”S 60°04’31.25”W), Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, 19.IX.2008, E.P. Franken & A.C. K. Silva (MPEG 30947, PBI_ OON 40528).

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

Diagnosis. Males resemble those of A. caxiuana sp. nov. by the endites with prolateral process without protrusions (Figs 45, 102) and by the lamellar, distally twisted embolus (Figs 47, 104), but can be recognized by the endites with narrow prolateral process, with a long, curved retrolateral process (Figs 101–102).

Description. Male (PBI_ OON 40525, Figs 92–100): Total length 1.57. CEPHALOTHORAX: Carapace dark red-brown, broadly oval in dorsal view, anteriorly narrowed to between 0.5 and 0.75 times its maximum width, with rounded posterolateral corners, surface of elevated portion of pars cephalica granulate; non-marginal pars cephalica setae present, scattered. Clypeus low, ALE separated from edge of carapace by less than their radius. Eyes ALE–PLE touching, PME touching throughout most of their length, PLE–PME touching. Sternum pale orange, furrow smooth, surface finely punctuate, without pits, anterior margin unmodified, lateral margin without infra-coxal grooves, anterior depression delimited by a straigth ridge; setae densest laterally. Mouthparts: paturon inner margin with pairs of enlarged setae, distal region abruptly narrowed. Labium rectangular; with 6 or more setae on anterior margin. Endites anteromedian tip unmodified, endites strongly incised distally, forming a retrolateral curved branch with blunt tip and a prolateral smaller, apically narrowed branch. ABDOMEN: dorsum soft portions white. Posterior spiracles not connected by groove. Pedicel tube short. Dorsal scutum pale orange, covering more than 3/4 of abdomen, no soft tissue visible from above, middle surface reticulate, sides reticulate. Postepigastric scutum pale orange, long, semicircular, covering about 3/4 of abdominal length, with short posteriorly directed lateral apodemes. LEGS: pale orange; patella plus tibia I shorter than carapace, metatarsi I and II meso-apical comb absent. GENITALIA: Epigastric region with sperm pore situated between anterior and posterior spiracles. Palp: bulb yellow, more than 2 times as long as cymbium, embolus dark, prolateral excavation present, short, lamellar, medially twisted, with large prolateral rounded aperture.

Female: Unknown.

Other material examined. BRAZIL. Amazonas. Manaus, Fazenda Experimental da UFAM, Rod. BR 174 km 38 (02°39’21.23”S 60°04’31.25”W), 26.VI.2009, B. Machado leg., 1♂ (MPEG 30946, PBI_ OON 40527; examined by SEM).

Distribution. Known only from central Amazonas State, Brazil.