Althepus qiqiu Li et Li sp. nov.

Figs 16, 21–22

Type material. Holotype: Female (IZCAS), Thailand, Satun Province, La Ngu District, a cave without name, 06°59.390'N, 99°48.393'E, altitude 50m, 0 4 December 2013. Paratype: 1 female, same data as holotype (IZCAS).

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Chinese pinyin 'qì qiú', which means ' balloon', referring to balloon-like females internal genitalia; noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. The species resembles A. muangensis sp. nov. (Figs 14–15) with the female internal genitalia, but can be distinguished by the different numbers (A. qiqiu sp.nov. have five pairs but A. languensis sp.nov. have four) of transparent spermathecae (Fig. 16A).

Description. Female (holotype). Total length 3.75; carapace 1.14 length, 1.23 width; abdomen 2.19 length, 1.41 width. Carapace rounded (Figs 16C–E), yellow, with three longitudinal brown bands of different width, among them, the middle one two times wider than the lateral ones. Anterior margin of thoracic region distinctly elevated. Clypeus black-brown. Cheliceral promargin with two teeth, followed by a lamina, retromargin with two small teeth (Fig. 21I). Labium brown. Sternum brown. Abdomen elongate, with one longitudinal yellow band and two latitudinal yellow bands dorsally, and two narrow white bands ventrally. Legs brown, tibia annulated with white. Leg measurements: I missing, II 26.97 (6.92, 0.5, 7.18, 10.32, 2.05), III 20.82 (5.96, 0.5, 5.77, 6.35, 2.24), IV 17.48 (5.12, 0.5, 4.49, 5.77, 1.60). Female epigyne (Fig. 16E): Internal genitalia with symmetric five pairs of transparent spermathecae.

Male: Unknown

Variation. Carapace: females 1.14–1.25 length, 1.23–1.30 width, tibia I 10.06 (leg I lost in female holotype).

Distribution. Known only from the type locality (Fig. 22).