Spilogona biguttata Emden, 1951 (Figs 1ā€“4)

Holotype male seen; in good condition. One male paratype from Sierre Leone was dissected and illustrated. Male terminalia. Sternite 5 with posterior membrane deep; few setae on disc and with one isolated seta on each

anterior lobe (Fig. 1); cercal plate and surstylus elongated (Figs 2,3), surstylus sinuous in dorsal view (Fig. 2); the

relatively elongated cercal plate and surstylus resemble those of many Holarctic species of Spilogona, a genus in which considerable diversity of form in these external genital appendages is known (e.g. Huckett 1965; Gregor et al. 2016); aedeagal complex as in Fig. 4, hypandrium ā€œUā€ shaped.