Amphidraus guaitipan sp. nov.

Figs 4a–d, 16f–g, 20h–i, 24c, 24i, 26b, 27

Types. Holotype: male from National Natural Park Cueva de los Guácharos, Vereda La Mesura, Palestina, Huila, Colombia, 1950 m, 01.61565°N, 76.10239°W, 24.IX–2.X.2016, V. Muñoz-Charry (ICN –Ar 8257). Paratype: one female from National Natural Park Cueva de los Guácharos, Palestina, Huila, Colombia [2170 m], 1.55°N, 76.15°W, M. Fonseca (ANDES –IN 3871).

Etymology. The epithet is a noun in apposition that honors the Cacique Guaitipán (or better known by her Spanish name transliteration, Gaitana), one of the maximum leaders and lady of the indigenous people that inhabited the central and eastern region of the Central Mountain Range of the Colombian Andes, among which are the Andaquí, Avirama, Guanaca, Páez, Pinao, Pijao, Timaná and Yalcón people. Indigenous heroin, renowned by her brave and fierce defense of their territories against the Spanish invaders.

Diagnosis. Males of A. guaitipan sp. nov. are similar to those of A. sikuani sp. nov. and A. tanimuca sp. nov. by the shape of the RTA. However, they can be distinguished from those by their wider RTA, with the retro-dorsal lobe longer and wider, and the retro-ventral lobe turned prolaterally, with a retrolateral macroseta at its base (Figs 4a–b, 20h–I). Females of A. guaitipan sp. nov. are similar to those of A. quinini sp. nov. by their general disposition of internal structures of the epigyne, but they can be distinguished from those by their shorter copulatory ducts, with the posterior epigynal border not concave, and a rounded epigynal pocket (Figs 4c–d, 24c, 24i).

Description. Male (holotype). Total length: 3.04. Carapace blackish brown with two posterior stripes of scarce white hairs, 1.55 long, 1.13 wide, 0.83 high (Fig. 16f). OC black, 0.67 long. Anterior eye row 1.14 wide and posterior 1.04 wide. Sternum dark brown, 0.64 long, 0.53 wide. Labium dark brown, 0.11 long, 0.14 wide. Chelicerae dark brown with five retromarginal and one promarginal tooth. Palp dark brown with dorsal white hairs in the femur and patella, with a wide RTA with two lobes: the retro-dorsal one wide and pointed, and the retroventral one long and turned prolaterally with a macroseta at its base; rounded tegular lobe (TL) and slender embolus (Figs 4a–b, 20h–i). Legs 4132, the first two pairs brown and the two posterior ones yellow, all with black rings. Leg macrosetae: femur, I–II d 1 di; III–IV d 2 di; tibia, I v 2-2 -2; II v 1-2 -1, p 1 di; III–IV v 1 pr, p 0-1-1, r 0- 1-1; metatarsus, I v 2-2; II v 2-2, p 1 di; III v 1 -0-1, p 1-0-2, r 1-0-2; IV p 2 di, r 1-0-2. Abdomen dark brown with lateral sides covered by some scarce white scales, dorsally with light brown marks (Fig. 16f).

Female (paratype). Total length 3.59. Carapace brown with a posterior lighter stripe, 1.69 long, 1.24 wide, 0.90 high (Fig. 16g). OC black, 0.71 long. Anterior eye row 1.18 wide and posterior 1.11 wide. Sternum brown, 0.67 long, 0.52 wide. Labium brown, 0.19 long, 0.29 wide. Chelicerae brown, with five retromarginal and two promarginal teeth. Legs 4312, all yellow with black marks. Leg macrosetae: femur, I–II, IV d 1 di; III d 2 di; patellae, III–IV r 1 me; tibiae, I v 2-2 -2; II v 2-2 -2, p 1 di; III v 1 pr, p 1-1, r 1-1; IV v 1 pr, p 1-0, r 1-1; metatarsus, I v 2-2; II 2-2, p 1 di; III–IV v 1 -0-1, p 1-0-2, r 1-0-2. Abdomen brown with a light gray reticulated pattern (Fig. 16g). Epigyne (Figs 4c–d, 24c, 24i) with anterior copulatory openings, concave disposition of the anterior section of the copulatory ducts, oval anterior spermathecae, and posterior single and rounded pocket.

Comments. The specimens were collected in a preserved Andean wet ecosystem (Fig. 26b), beating low shrubs.

Distribution. Colombia (Huila) (Fig. 27). Known altitudinal distribution: 1150–2170 m.