Amphidraus janauari sp. nov.

Figs 17–18

Type material. Holotype. ♂ from Lago Janauari, 03°20'S, 60°17'W, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, 16.XI.1989, J. Adis et al. leg. (INPA 5245).

Etymology. Noun in apposition taken from type locality.

Diagnosis. The male palp of A. janauari sp. nov. is similar to that of A. bochica, A. guatavita, A. pae, A. quimbaya, A. zipa and A. bifidus sp. nov., with only two short dPED (no vPED; Fig, 18C). Among these, A. janauari sp. nov. (Fig. 18 D) seems closer to A. guatavita (see Galvis 2017: fig. 5C) and A. bifidus sp. nov. (Fig. 21 D) by having similar RTA and RvTA (see note below). However, the projection on the basal portion of the embolus is absent in A. janauari sp. nov. (Fig. 18 C), rounded in A. guatavita (see Galvis 2017: fig. 5A) and bifid in A. bifidus sp. nov. (Fig. 21 C).

Note. The structure in A. janauari sp. nov. and A. bifidus sp. nov. named herein as the RTA was referred in A. guatavita by Galvis (2017) as DTS—dorsal tibial spur. On the other hand, Galvis’s RTA in A. guatavita is possibly homologous to the structure referred herein as RvTA. Nonetheless, the homology among these structures is yet to be determined.

Description. Male holotype (INPA 5245). Total length: 2.51. Carapace 1.20 long, 0.82 wide and 0.44 high. Ocular quadrangle 0.55 long. Anterior eye row 0.86 wide, posterior 0.65 wide. Legs: 3421; Length of leg I 1.51 (0.49 + 0.53 + 0.49); II 1.55 (0.49 + 0.57 + 0.49); III 1.79 (0.53 + 0.65 + 0.61); IV 1.75 (0.53 + 0.61 + 0.61). Palp (Figs 18 A–D): tibia with RvTA elongate and ventrally projected (Figs 18 C, 18D), RTA short and acute (Figs 18 B, 18D) and with small dorsal tubercle (Fig. 18 D); cymbium with large cymbial conductor (Fig. 18 C); embolic filament longer than straight, sclerotized portion (Fig. 18 C). Color in alcohol: thoracic area brown and cephalic area black; abdomen light brown; legs light brown (Fig. 17 A–B).

Female. Unknown.

Distribution. Known only from the type locality (Brazil, Amazonas) (Fig. 32).