Amphidraus pulvinus sp. nov.

Figs 7–8

Type material. Holotype: ♂ from Juruti, 02°30'27.4"S, 56°10'39.5"W, Pará, Brazil, 18–23.II.2011, B.V.B. Rodrigues leg. (MPEG 32687).

Etymology. A Latin noun meaning pillow, in reference to the modified RTA.

Diagnosis. The embolic disc and embolus of A. pulvinus sp. nov. are similar to those of A. argentinensis: the short dPED points prolaterally and the vPED points retrolaterally. However, the vPED of A. pulvinus sp. nov. arises from prolateral border of the embolic disc (Fig. 8 C), while in A. argentinensis it arises from the middle of the distal portion of the disc (see Galiano 1997: fig. 10). In addition, A. pulvinus sp. nov. has RvTA and ITA bladeshaped, and a RTA linked to a pillow-like membrane (black arrows in Figs 8 B, 8D), whereas in A. argentinensis the RvTA is trapezoidal with three apical teeth, and both the ITA and the pillow-like membrane are absent (see Galiano 1997: figs 8, 11). Amphidraus complexus also has the pillow-like membrane, but differs from A. pulvinus sp. nov. in having one less projection in the embolic disc and a different shape of the tibial apophyses (see Zhang & Maddison, 2015: figs 211, 212).

Description. Male holotype (MPEG 32687). Total length: 2.55. Carapace 1.25 long, 0.84 wide and 0.65 high. Ocular quadrangle 0.67 long. Anterior eye row 0.87 wide, posterior 0.72 wide. Legs: 431 = 2. Length of leg I 1.90 (0.57 + 0.68 + 0.65); II 1.90 (0.57 + 0.68 + 0.65); III 2.47 (0.72 + 0.84 + 0.91); IV 2.62 (0.76 + 0.87 + 0.99). Palp (Figs 8 A–D): cymbium with a proximal, retrolateral depression, where the pillow-like membrane of tibia fits (Fig. 8 D); tegulum with slight RSDL and tegular lobe prolaterally curved (Fig. 8 C); embolic filament very short, less than a quarter the length of the straight, sclerotized portion (Fig. 8 C). Color in alcohol: thoracic area brown and cephalic area black; abdomen dorsally brown and variegated; ventrally pale; legs light brown (Figs 7 A–B).

Female. Unknown

Distribution. Known only from the type locality (Brazil, Pará) (Fig. 29).