(Fig. 14A)
Cyprobius terrenus Broun 1895: 236. Pic 1914: 51 (catalogue). Macfarlane et al. 2011: 420 (catalogue).
Type locality. Waikato, Mount Pirongia.
Broun number: 2818.
Type material examined. 2 exx. Syntype (NHM): ventrally card-mounted, “2818.” [in Broun’s hand], “Waikato”, “New Zealand. [red underline] \ Broun Coll. \ Brit. Mus. \ 1922-482.”, “ Cyprobius \ terrenus ” [in Broun’s hand]. Syntype (NHM): card-mounted, “2818.” [in Broun’s hand], “Waikato”, “New Zealand. [red underline] \ Broun Coll. \ Brit. Mus. \ 1922-482.”, “ Cyprobius \ terrnenus” [in Broun’s hand].
Remarks. There is no information on the number of specimens examined in the original description (Broun 1895). Broun (1895) noted, that the species was found on the ground amongst leaves, whilst the other members of the genus were collected on shrubs.