GENUS Pseudopotamilla Bush, 1905

Diagnosis. Medium sized sabellids with numerous pairs of radioles in semicircular radiolar lobes, each radiole with at least four rows of vacuolated cells. Basal membrane, radiolar flanges and basal flanges absent. One to several unpaired compound radiolar eyes bulging along outer radiolar margins, on at least some dorsal radioles, except for dorsal-most pair. Dorsal lips with radiolar and pinnular appendages; ventral radiolar appendages absent. Ventral lips and parallel lamellae present, ventral sacs inside radiolar crown. Anterior peristomial ring low, of even height. Posterior peristomial ring collar present, with narrow mid-dorsal gap, dorsal margins laterally fused to faecal groove, with a mid-ventral incision and short ventral lappets, and usually also with dorso-lateral incisions. Peristomial vascular loops absent. Peristomial eyespots may be present. Thorax and abdomen with variable number of chaetigers. Glandular ridge on chaetiger 2 absent. Ventral shields present. Interramal eyespots absent. Collar chaetae similar to superior notochaetae of following chaetigers, elongate, narrowly hooded; inferior thoracic notochaetae paleate. Thoracic uncini avicular, with several rows of similar in size teeth above main fang, developed breast and medium-sized handle; neuropodial companion chaetae with asymmetrical hood and gently tapering tip. Abdominal uncini similar to the thoracic ones. Abdominal neurochaetae of both groups as elongate, broadly hooded chaetae. Pygidial eyespots may be present. Pygidial cirrus absent (Capa et al. 2014).