Digital outcrop model of Midterhuken, at the far end of the headland where Van Keulenfjorden and Van Mijenfjorden meet. It exhibits a natural transect of the Palaeogene fold-and-thrust belt along Spitsbergen's west coast. The deformation involves two main geologic sequences. Basement rocks on Midterhuken's western tip (Hecla Hoek sequence) were metamorphosed and penetratively deformed during the Caledonian orongeny, and were uplifted and tilted during Tertiary deformation. To the east is a Lower Carboniferous to Cretaceous plaatform cover sequence (2 km thick) of unmetamorphosed carbonate and clastic rocks; it unconformably overlies the Hecla Hoek rocks, and forms a northeast-dipping homocline with locally complex structures (Maher et al., 1984). The GĂ„shamna Fm, Treskelodden Fm, Orustdalen Fm, Wordiekammen Fm, Gipshuken Fm, Kapp Starostin Fm, Vardebukta Fm, Tvillingodden Fm, Bravaisberget Fm and Kapp Toscana Gr are successively exposed eastward.