Cypridea (Sebastianites) devexa Krömmelbein, 1962

Fig. 3, 11a–c

1962 Cypridea (Sebastianites) devexa n. sp. —Krömmelbein, p. 462–463, pl. 58, fig. 33.

Diagnosis: A species, which in lateral outline resembles C. (S.) fida n. sp., with the following peculiarities: broad, flat sulcus, beginning on the dorsal margin, extending over the middle of the flank becoming flatter towards the ventral margin. Behind and in front of the sulcus the corresponding valve areas are flatly swollen. Both valves with convexly bowed ventral margin. No fine sculpture.

Holotype: Carapace, SMF Xe 4207.

Paratype: 1 carapace, SMF Xe 4208.

Dimensions: Holotype, length 1.19mm, height 0.76mm.