19. Oncopsis carpini (Sahlberg, 1871)

Figs. 49–51, 164–193

Description. Coloration of males typical (Fig. 49), females similar to males or pale greenish yellow (Figs. 50–51). The shape of ventral margin of penis varies from almost straight to strongly concave in side view (Figs. 164–165, 181–186). Branches of lower appendage of dorsal connective also variable (Figs. 165–167, 187–193). Style similar with that of O. flavicollis (Figs. 168–170). Abdominal apodemes of 2nd tergite in male with widely rounded or angulate lobes separated by narrow notch (Figs. 171–180). We have not found any significant morphological differences between populations from Crimea (Figs. 164–174), North-West Caucasus (Figs. 175–178, 181–184, 189–193), and Northern Iran (Figs. 179–180, 185–188).

Body length (including tegmina): ♂, 4.3–5.0 mm; ♀, 4.3–5.3 mm.

Differs from O. flavicollis by shape of the 2nd dorsal apodemes and coloration of light-coloured females (bright yellow in O. flavicollis, pale greenish yellow in O. carpini). Differs from O. burjatica Tishetshkin, 2008 in coloration of light-coloured females, host and distribution (East Palaearctic in O. burjatica, West Palaearctic in O. carpini). Almost indistinguishable from O. tsejensis Tishetshkin, 1992 in morphology, but differs from it in host preference.

Host. Carpinus betulus, possibly, also C. orientalis.

Distribution. Europe, mountains of Crimea, Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Northern Iran.

FIGURES 81–111. Oncopsis spp., male genitalia. 81–86― O. caliginosa, 87–90― O. wagneri, 91–94― O. ochotensis, 95– 100― O. planiscuta, 101–107― O. tristis (101–102 and 107―male from Sakhalin, 103–106―males from Moscow Area), 108– 111― O. alni. 81, 87, 91, 95, 101, 108―penis, caudal view, 82, 88, 92, 96, 102, 109―penis and dorsal connective, lateral view, 83–84, 89, 93, 97–98, 103–105, 110―lower appendage of dorsal connective, lateral view, 85–86, 90, 94, 99–100, 106–107, 111―style, broadest aspect.

FIGURES 125–151. Oncopsis spp., male genitalia. 125–127― O. appendiculata, 128–131― O. obstructa, 132–135― O. tadzhica, holotype (134–135―the same style in different aspects), 136–141― O. ivanovae (137, 139, 140―after Korolevskaya, 1984), 142–147― O. abdykulovi sp. n., 148–151― O. subangulata. 125, 128, 132, 136, 142, 148―penis, caudal view, 126, 129, 133, 138, 143, 149―penis and dorsal connective, lateral view, 130, 144–145, 150―lower appendage of dorsal connective, lateral view, 127, 131, 134–135, 140–141, 146–147, 151―style, broadest aspect, 137―penis, lateral view, 139―dorsal connective.