Camptochaeta mimica Hippa & Vilkamaa, 1994

Literature: Mohrig et al. (2013): 176.

New material [additional to Mohrig et al. (2013)]: 2 males, 27.vii.‒15.ix.1994, Canada, Alberta, Munn Creek, 53.30°N, 118.10°W, spruce forest, Malaise trap, leg. E. Fuller (PWMP).

Comments. The species is very similar to Cam. delicata (Lengersdorf, 1935), but easily to distinguish by two (seldom one) sub-apical spines, directed distinctly towards the apex, not towards the base as in Cam. delicata. This character seems to be typical for all specimens which have been found in Canada and in Norway so far.

Distribution. Holarctic. Europe (Spitsbergen); Canada (Yukon, Alberta).