Decaphora planada sp. nov. Figs 1−4

Type material: Holotype: ♂ from 7 km S Chocones (1800 mts.), La Planada (01°34' N; 77°31' W), Narino, Colombia, July 1986, W. Eberhard leg. (MCZ 46471).

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition and refers to the type locality, La Planada, in Colombia.

Diagnosis. Males of Decaphora planada sp. nov. are distinguished from those of the remaining species of the genus by the male palp with mRTA bifid (best seen in ventral view), with one branch cylindrical and smooth the other cylindrical and distally armed with strong setae, and by the TBC twisted at base and distally concave (Figs 1–3).

Description. Male (MCZ 46471): Coloration pattern similar to other Decaphora species (see Rheims & Alayón 2014, figs 1–8). Prosoma orange brown, slightly darker at eye area. Fovea dark brown. Eye borders black. Legs and pedipalps orange brown. Sternum yellow with orange margins. Endites pale orange, distally cream colored. Labium orange, distally yellow. Opisthosoma pale gray. Dorsally with gray pattern of elongated marks laterally, irregular marks on anterior half and 5–6 chevron-like marks on posterior half. Ventrally with few scattered gray spots. Total length 7.9. Prosoma: 3.7 long, 2.4 wide. Opisthosoma: 4.1 long, 2.4 wide. Eyes: diameters: 0.26, 0.20, 0.16, 0.20; interdistances: 0.16, 0.06, 0.30, 0.28, 0.14, 0.08. Legs (1243): I: 13.7 (3.9, 1.9, 3.7, 3.4, 0.8); II: 4.0, 1.9, 3.6, 3.2, 0.8); III: 10.6 (3.4, 1.5, 2.4, 2.6, 0.7); IV: 13.1 (4.0, 1.5, 3.0, 3.7, 0.9). Spination: femora ĪIII: p1-1-1, d0-1-1, r1-1-1; femur IV: p1-1-1, d0-1-1, r0-0-1; patellae I–IV: p0, r0; tibiae I–IV: p1-0-1, d1-0-1, r1-0-1, v2-2 -2; metatarsi ĪII: p1-1-0, r1-1-0, v2 -0-0; metatarsus III: p1-1-1, r1-1-1, v2 -0-0; metatarsus IV: p1-1-0, r1-1-0, v2-2 -0. Metatarsi III–IV with ventral, distal preening combs. Palp: tibia short with no spines; vRTA with small rounded protuberance ventrally; mRTA bifid; dRTA cylindrical, armed with strong distal setae; cymbium projecting retrolaterally, with dorsal rounded scopula; conductor hyaline with large thick base; TBC slightly heart-shaped; median apophysis cup-shaped, longer than wide, arising from tegulum at 3 o’clock position; embolus laminar, sheath-like, with wide, serrated base, arising from tegulum at 9 o’clock position; TBE large, rhombus, with rounded point; PTP long and cylindrical, bent at tip, arising from tegulum at 7 o’clock position (Figs 1–4).

Female: unknown.

Distribution. Only known from the type locality in Colombia (Fig. 13).