Family Hermanniidae Sellnick, 1928

Hermannia Nicolet, 1855

· Hermannia convexa (C.L. Koch, 1839) * · Original name: Nothrus convexus C.L. Koch, 1839.

· In: Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden, Vol. 29 (1). · Historical combinations/variations: Hermannia (Hermannia) convexa (C.L. Koch) Subías, 2004. · Synonyms: Claviceps rugosus L. Koch, 1879; Hermannia grandis Berlese, 1910.

Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Moss and under bark (Halbert 1915).

Counties: Mayo.

· Hermannia gibba (C.L. Koch, 1839) *

· Original name: Nothrus gibbus C.L. Koch, 1839.

· In: Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden, Vol. 24 (4).

· Historical combinations/variations:

· Hermannia (Hermannia) gibba (C.L. Koch) Subías, 2004; Hermannia gibbus (C.L. Koch) Buitendijk, 1945.

· Synonyms: Hermannia crassipes Nicolet, 1855; Angelia piceus sensu Berlese, 1885; no C.L. Koch, 1840; Nothrus piceus Berlese, 1886; Hermannia piceus (Berlese) Michael, 1888; Hermannia convexa sensu Michael, 1898; Hermannia reticulata sensu Oudemans, 1900.

Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Moss (Halbert 1907, 1915); agricultural grassland (Valarasan 1971 Arroyo et al. 2009a); grassland on peat (Longworth 1973); soil from Norway spruce forest (Heneghan 1994); fungal sporocarps (O’Connell 1994; O’ Connell and Bolger 1997); Machair foredunes, Machair fixed (stable) dunes and Machair grassland (Arroyo and Bolger 2011); moss on soil in oak, ash, Scots pine and Sitka spruce forests, soil in oak, ash and Scots pine forests, canopy in Sitka spruce forests and moss in canopy in ash, Scot pine and Sitka spruce forests (Arroyo et al. 2012, 2013b); moss on soil and tree trunk of oak and yew (Arroyo et al. 2013c); moss and woodland (Bolger In press); riparian habitat (unpublished data); canopy in ash forests (unpublished data).

Counties: Clare, Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Kerry, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo, Tipperary and Wicklow.

· Hermannia reticulata Thorell, 1871 *

· Original name: Hermannia reticulata Thorell, 1871.

· In: Om Arachnider fran Spitsbergen och Beeren-Eiland. Öfversigt af kongliga vetenskaps akademiens fÖrhandlingar, 28, 683–702.

· Historical combinations/variations: Hermanniella reticulata (Thorell) Tarman, 1983; Hermannia (Heterohermannia) reticulata (Thorell) Subías, 2004

· Synonyms: Hermannia quadriseriata Banks, 1899.

Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Moss and around trees (Halbert 1907, 1915), on a green alga-like weed (Halbert 1920); salt marsh (Healy 1975; Speight and Healy 1977), grassland on peat (Longworth 1973); soil on cliff (Bolger In press).

Counties: Dublin and Mayo.

· Hermannia scabra (L. Koch, 1879) *

· Original name: Nothrus scabra L. Koch, 1879.

· In: Arachniden aus Sibirien und Novaja Zemlja, eingesammelt von der Schwedischen Expedition im Jahre 1875. Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademiens handlingar.ndl. Stockholm, 16(5), 1–136.

· Historical combinations/variations: Hermannia (Heterohermannia) scabra (L. Koch) Subías, 2004; Lohmannia scabra (L. Koch) Banks, 1923.

· Synonyms: Hermannia nodosa Michael, 1888.

Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Debris from old nests of sea birds, amongst calcareous tuffa, under stones resting on sandy mud and gravel, under debris of old bird nests and under stones in seashore (Halbert 1915, 1920; Evans et al. 1961); gorse bank at seashore (Purvis 1982).

Counties: Dublin, Galway, Mayo and Wexford.

· Hermannia subglabra Berlese, 1910 *

· Original name: Hermannia subglabra Berlese, 1910.

· In: Brevi diagnosi di generi e specie nuovi di Acari. Redia, 6, 346–388.

· Historical combinations/variations: Hermannia (Heterohermannia) subglabra (Berlese) Subías, 2004.

· Synonyms: Nothrus scabrus L. Koch, 1879 (partim); Hermannnia pulchella Willmann, 1952. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Salt marsh (Healy 1975; Speight and Healy 1977); marine supra littoral (Woas 1981).

Counties: Clare and Dublin.