Sertularella hermanosensis El Beshbeeshy, 2011

Figs 11 B-G, 12A; Table 12

Sertularella hermanosensis El Beshbeeshy, 2011: 133, fig. 42.

Sertularella geodiae. – p.p. Vervoort, 1972: 120, fig. 37. [non Sertularella geodiae Totton, 1930]

Material examined: ZMH C11885; FRV Walther Herwig, Argentine Shelf, no additional data; four sterile colony fragments 7.0-1.4 cm high, each bearing several hydrothecae, with only the perisarc left. – NHML 1888.11.13.42; between Cabo Virgenes, Argentina, and the Falkland Is., Challenger Stn. 314, ca. 128 m; 3 infertile colony fragments (6, 12 and 18 mm high) among the holotype of Sertularella implexa (Allman, 1888) (for more details, see under this species), and a microslide (Fig. 12A).

Description: Colonies composed of erect, monosiphonic, unbranched or sparingly-branched stems arising from stolonal fibers firmly adhering to substrate. Both stems and side branches divided into moderately long (though varied in length), imperceptibly geniculate to collinear internodes, by means of faint, oblique constrictions of the perisarc slanting in alternate directions. A hydrotheca to the distal end of each internode. Side branches generally arising from below the bases of every 3 stem hydrothecae by means of short, lateral apophyses. Hydrothecae biseriate, alternate, coplanar; flask-shaped, adnate for slightly more than half their length to the corresponding internode, slightly tumid adaxially; abaxial wall straight to slightly concave proximally, suddenly becoming convex below aperture; free adaxial wall wavy to distinctly transversely-ridged, ridges occasionally reaching abaxial wall; aperture with 4 short, equal, triangular cusps, separated by shallow embayments; renovations occasional; a 4-flapped operculum. Gonothecae unknown.

Dimensions: See Table 12.

Remarks: According to El Beshbeeshy (2011), his species has hydrothecae with different forms, and this is also evident from his fig. 42. As not all his material was reinspected for the purpose of the present study, it is assumed that those differences could indicate the presence of a mix of species.

Distribution: Chile – Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena [Magellan Strait (Vervoort, 1972, as S. geodiae)]. Argentina – scattered records from the Patagonian Shelf, between ca. 41° S and Península Mitre (El Beshbeeshy, 2011). Elsewhere – between Cabo Virgenes, Argentina, and the Falkland Is.

[present study (material co-occurring with the type of S. implexa); El Beshbeeshy, 2011]; off the NE coast of Falkland Is. (El Beshbeeshy, 2011); a large perimeter including the Strait of Magellan, the Falkland Is., the Burdwood Bank, Isla de los Estados, and Cape Horn (Vervoort, 1972, as S. geodiae).