Sertularella curta Galea & Schories, 2014

Fig. 7M, N

Sertularella curta Galea & Schories, 2014 in Galea et al., 2014: 34, figs 6D-E, 7C.

Sertularella geniculata. – Leloup, 1974: 28, fig. 23 [non Sertularella geniculata Hincks, 1874 = Sertularella tenella (Alder, 1857)].

Material examined: MHNG-INVE-86236; Chile, Región de Antofagasta, Taltal, -25.38333° -70.51667°, 12-20 m, coll. D. Schories, lot #24; 24.04.2012; a 1.8 cm high, male colony (holotype). – MHNG- INVE-86237; Chile, Región de Antofagasta, Taltal, -25.38333° -70.51667°, 12-20 m, coll. D. Schories, lot #25; 22.04.2012; a 1.6 cm high, male colony (paratype).

Description: Colonies arising from creeping, branching stolon. Stems erect, up to 1.8 cm high, monosiphonic; basal part very short and ahydrothecate, either smooth or with up to 4 annuli; remainder of stem slightly geniculate, divided into short internodes by means of inconspicuous constrictions of the perisarc; a hydrotheca to the distal end of each internode. Side branches, when present (up to 3 per stem), short and arising irregularly from below a stem hydrotheca, either in front or the rear side of the colony; occasionally, the branches arise from within the stem hydrothecae; up to 2nd order branching observed. Hydrothecae biseriate, alternate, fusiform, adnate for about 2/3rd their length to the corresponding internode; free adaxial wall with about 3 transverse ridges prolonged abaxially; abaxial wall slightly concave, aperture expanding below rim, and perpendicular to long axis of the theca; margin with 4 equally-developed, triangular cusps separated by rounded, moderately-deep embayments; a 4-flapped operculum; 3 internal, submarginal cusps (2 latero-adaxial, 1 abaxial), not always noticeable. Gonothecae (only male known) originating from below the hydrothecal bases; ovoid-fusiform, walls with 6-7 transverse ridges, aperture surrounded by 4 perisarc projections.

Dimensions: Internodes 340-490 μm long and 170- 210 μm wide at nodes. Hydrothecal free adaxial length 345-380 μm, adnate adaxial length 230-270 μm, abaxial length 485-515 μm, maximum width 250-270 μm, diameter at aperture 210-230 μm. Male gonotheca 1440-1660 μm long and 575-620 μm wide.

Remarks: The gonotheca of this species is illustrated by Galea et al. (2014, fig. 7C).

Distribution: Chile – Región de Antofagasta [Bahía de Tocopilla (Leloup, 1974, as S. geniculata), Taltal (Galea et al., 2014)].