Cyllodania trinidad sp. nov.

Figs 8B, 12

Type material. Male holotype (FSCA) from Arena Forest Reserve [10.57°N, 61.24°W], 2 km E of San Rafael, Region of Couva / Tabaquite / Talparo, Trinidad, Trinidad & Tobago, 1.VII.1999, G.B. Edwards leg. One male paratype (MPEG 34716) with the same data of the holotype.

Etymology. The specific name, a noun in apposition, is taken from the type locality.

Diagnosis. Males resemble those of C. bicruciata and C. zoobotanica sp. nov. by having a spike on RvTA (Figs 12D, 13D). They differ from C. bicruciata by having a slight torsion between the 360° and 460° of the embolus length (Fig. 12D), and from C. zoobotanica sp. nov. by having a shorter embolus (compare Figs 12D and 13D).

Description. Male (holotype). Total length: 3.42. Carapace 1.65 long, 1.23 wide, 0.73 high. Ocular quadrangle 0.92 long. Anterior eye row 1.00 wide and posterior 1.11 wide. Chelicera paturon with two promarginal teeth, both with two cusps, and one retromarginal tooth with three curved cusps. Length of femur: I 1.05, II 0.72, III 0.69, IV 0.82; patella + tibia: I 1.39, II 0.85, III 0.75, IV 0.99; metatarsus + tarsus: I 0.82, II 0.69, III 0.75, IV 0.87. Leg formula: 1423. Leg spination: femur I‒II d1-1-1, p1di, r0; III d0-1-1, p1di, r1di; IV d1-1-1, p1di, r1di; patella I‒IV 0; tibia I p0, r0, v2 -0-2a-2; II p0, r0, v1 r-1r-1r; III 0; IV p0, r0, v2 di; metatarsus I‒II v2-2; III‒IV p2di, r2di, v2 di. Palp (Figs 12D‒12F): tibia wider than long, RTA wider than long and hook-shaped; embolus fixed to the tegulum, arising proximally, with a path of 460° before the distal coil, with a torsion after 360° (Fig. 12D). Color in alcohol: carapace as in C. bicruciata, with fewer white scales on the thoracic region, abdomen dorsum with a band of white scales anteriorly placed, extended to the sides as far as before anal tubercle; with two pairs and one large single posterior dark spot composed by dark hairs, separated by bands of white hairs (Fig. 12A). Femur I totally brown, the remaining articles as in C. bicruciata, but more conspicuous (Figs 12A‒12C).

Spine variation (1 male, paratype). Tibia II v1 r-2a-2; III p0-1-0, r0-1-0, v1 pdi; IV r0-1-0, v1 p-0-2.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution. Only known from Arena Forest Reserve, Trinidad.