Asiagone komannai new species

Figs 1, 2, 8–13

Holotype male (MHNG), THAILAND, Rayong Province, Klaeng District, Ko Man Nai, 12°36’44”N 101°41’26”E, 5–10 m a.s.l., earth banks in mixed evergreen-deciduous forest; 18.XII.2013; P. Schwendinger leg. [THKH-13/02].

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition referring to the type locality.

Diagnosis. Based on the palpal conformation, the new species is most similar to the Thai A. siama Tanasevitch, 2014, known from the male (Tanasevitch 2014b), but can be distinguished by a egg-shaped palpal tibia, by a narrower embolus, in which an exfoliated tunic distally is divided into several parts, as well as by a thicker paracymbium which lacks a tubercle in its middle part. The shape of the palpal tibia and the embolic division resembles that of A. perforata Tanasevitch, 2014 and A. signifera Tanasevitch, 2014, both described from Laos (Tanasevitch 2014a). From the former, A. komannai n. sp. differs by the absence of a large pit on both sides of the carapace; from the later, by the shape of the exfoliate tunic of the embolus, which in A. signifera resembles a “flag”.

Description. Male holotype. Rather large Erigoninae, total length 2.08. Carapace 0.90 long, 0.70 wide, pale brown; head part slightly elevated (Fig. 2) and somewhat lighter than overall carapace colour. Chelicerae unmodified, 0.38 long. Legs pale brownish yellow. Leg I, 3.73 long (0.95+0.25+0.95+0.95+0.63), IV, 3.34 long (0.88+0.23+0.85+0.88+0.50). Chaetotaxy, length of spines about 1–2 diameters of segment. All metatarsi with a trichobothrium. TmI, 0.36. Palp (Figs 8–13): Tibia relatively small, oval. Paracymbium L-shaped. Distal suprategular apophysis flat, curved, with a hollow in middle part, abruptly truncate apically. Median membrane well-developed, protruding far beyond palp. Radical part of embolic division small, drop-shaped, surrounded by membranous tissue around which connects the convector to the radix. Convector flat, crescent-shaped, with its outer margin folded forming a gutter to sheath the distal part of the embolus; distal part of convector claw-shaped. Embolus long, forming a loop, distal half embedded inside convector. Distal part of embolus showing an exfoliate tunic leaving the distal half of the embolus proper free, whip-shaped. Abdomen 1.18 long, 0.78 wide, grey dorsally, with a pale longitudinal stripe.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution. Only known from the type locality, a tiny island off the coast of eastern Thailand.