Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) biguttulus euhedickei Ganos Population

Material examined: TEKİRDAĞ: Between Ormanlı-Hoşköy, around radar, 899m a.s.l., N: 40°47.238’ E: 27°18.301’, 25.IX.2012, 15 ♂♂, 17 ♀♀, leg.: D. Şirin (Fig. 18 A). Calling song recorded from three males at 28 ˚C in the laboratory cpnditions (by D. Şirin).

Description of song: Chorthippus biguttulus euhedickei Ganos population male calling song generally consists of two similar phrases which have different amplitudes and partly synchronized (Fig. 18 B). The duration of a phrase varies according to syllable numbers, durations and gaps. The calling song usually starts with a typical polysyllabic phrase (similar to C. biguttulus) and then continues with a low amplitude phrase which has similar repeated unit periods as the first phrase. The first phrase comprises usually 35–55 syllables whose durations generally last for 140–155 ms (except last four syllables) (Fig. 18 C). The durations of the last four syllables vary between 220 and 350 ms. The second phrase comprises 9–11 syllables whose durations generally change between 130 and 260 ms (Fig. 18 D).