Arcyptera (Pararcyptera) microptera microptera (Fischer von Waldheim, 1833)

Oedipoda microptera Fischer von Waldheim, 1833: 384.

Pararcyptera microptera: Bei-Bienko & Mistshenko, 1951: 431 (54).

Distribution in the Palaearctic region: It has a wide range from Europe to Siberia (Ragge & Reynolds 1998; Holusa 2011).

Distribution in the Turkish Thrace: First record for the study area.

Material examined: Tekirdağ, Ganos Mountain, (between Radar – Hoşköy) 705m a.s.l N: 40°45.778’ E: 27°16.108’, 23.VI.2014, 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, leg.: D. Şirin & E. Demir (Fig. 3 A). Calling song recorded from two males at 30 ˚C in laboratory conditions by D. Şirin and E. Demir.

Description of song: The male calling song consists of a phrase which includes two different parts and its durations last for 1.5– 2.5 s. A phrase usually starts with separated syllables (Part A), continues with grouped syllable (Part B), and ends with one or two click like pulse. Part A includes 5–16 separate syllables usually with regular gaps (intervals of 93–182 ms) (Figure 3 B), whereas Part B contains 4–8 adjacent syllables which have no intervals. The duration of syllable in Part A varies between 6 and15 ms, whereas the syllables of Part B lasting for 14–16 ms (Figs. 3 B–C).

Published song data, used for comparison: Ragge & Reynolds 1998.