Haemogamasus bujakovi Bondarchuk, 1976

Haemogamasus bujakovi Bondarchuk, 1976: 191, figs 1–8. Haemogamasus bujakovi.— Goncharova et al., 1991: 55.

Type locality. Russia, southern Siberia, Zabaikal’sky Krai (Transbaikalia), vicinity of Usugli settlement.

Type specimens. Holotype (a female): ZIN. Paratypes are kept in the Chita Medical Institute. Type host. The Korean field mouse, Apodemus peninsulae (Thomas, 1907). Host range. This species is still known from only two rodent species – A. peninsulae and Myodes (=

Clethrionomys) rutilus (Pallas, 1779).

Distribution. Transbaikalia (Goncharova et al., 1991).