Gymnopatagus magnus A. Agassiz & H.L. Clark, 1907c

Fig. 72 A–C.

G ymnopatagus magnus: Mortensen, 1951: 447 –449. Pl. XXVI, Figs 7–9. Pl. XXVII, Figs 8–10. Pl. LXI, Figs 19–26; A.M. Clark, 1977 *: 139, 145–146; Schultz, 2010: 693, Figs 1176–1179.

Material examined. MBC-A 022887

Identification. Test heart-shaped, relatively low, highest at apical disc, sloping towards posterior end; somewhat distally closed petals. Preserved specimen yellowish, denuded test light brown. Global maximum size. Maximum test length 111 mm.

Global distribution. Japan to Indian Ocean, East coast of South Africa; at 730–2350 m depth (Schultz 2010). Remarks. Distinguished from Spatagobrissus mirabilis by its frontal notch.